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Chapter Twenty-Eight


The morning sunlight that snuck in through the worn-out curtains hit Izuku Midoriya's face, causing him to hum and shift in his sleep. Cars driving to work and school could be heard outside, but besides the regular sounds of the beginning of the day, everything was quiet and peaceful; it was warm. That was the first thing Izuku had noticed: how warm he was. He gripped the blanket and pulled it closer to him. He didn't want to get up, he didn't want to move or open his eyes. Right now he was content he didn't want to change that. His face felt so comfortable against- wait, he wasn't alone. Izuku was cuddled up against someone.

Suddenly, Izuku's green orbs widened and his face flushed a light pink hue when he saw the peaceful resting expression of Tomura Shigaraki.

What had happened?! Izuku mentally panicked. Last night seemed like such a blur, and he couldn't remember the details well, but somehow he knew why, and his face darkened as he thought about it. Did Izuku's mind go that fuzzy because of what they did last night? He couldn't believe himself.  And he wouldn't have believed it if he didn't notice his clothes were missing. He felt a light stinging on his neck, and there were tender bruises that went along down from it down to his chest, then stomach, then down to his- oh dear God. Izuku quickly pulled the blanket back over him.

Slowly, Izuku's eyes shyly glanced back at the villain. He seemed so.. calm.. and even cute when asleep. He wasn't complaining or getting upset with others, Tomura just seemed.. peaceful. Izuku brushed some of his hair out of his face. He hardly saw Tomura's entire face because he usually wore that hand that covered it. Their faces were so close now that Izuku thought about it.

Then, like on cue, Tomura's eyes opened and they locked immediately onto Izuku's. The villain didn't say anything. Like he was waiting for the hero to speak up first. Which seemed difficult for a moment, because Izuku wasn't sure what to say right now.

''A-ah-uh- umm-'' Izuku could only stammer non-verbal responses, and Tomura reached over for Izuku's face, then brushed some hair away. Why did Tomura have to feel so peaceful? It was.. annoying. He blushed then put his palm on Izuku's face, and pressed his fingers into his cheeks. 

''Stop looking at me like that.'' Tomura snapped. Then loosened his hold on Izuku's poor face, and glanced to the ceiling. ''... Why are you in my bed?'' He asked bluntly. Now Izuku felt like someone threw ice on him. 

''W-What?! You don't remember-'' Oh Lord. Because Izuku remembered. What should he do? But he felt Tomura take his hand off his face so he could see Tomura clearly when the villain said.

''I remember that ! Just why are you still here ? Are you stupid?'' Seriously, why would Izuku, a little ol' hero in training risk his life sleeping here in the League of Villains' hideout?! Tomura was sure if one of the other villains saw Izuku, or found out he was here, he would be in real danger. However, Tomura didn't know his entire team of villains already knew about them.

''I- Hey! You invited me here! You were just too drunk to remember!'' Izuku shot back, but Tomura groaned. ''I never  invited you. I have no idea what you're talking about.''

Izuku sighed. He was just going to assume Tomura was too drunk to remember or didn't want to admit it. But now, the feeling of reality was settling inside Izuku. What he did. With who. Was.. he even still considered a hero in training now? He was supposed to be All Might's successor, and become number one, and more than anything Izuku wanted that. Just how could he be both a hero and be with a villain? It was clear now there was no going back, he felt like his heart wasn't going to accept any denial what he felt for Shigaraki. Was it wrong to fall in love? Even if it was a villain? Izuku's eyes, unsurprisingly, began to fill with tears. He felt so confused. Suddenly, he began crying like a little kid, causing Tomura to flinch. Izuku kept crying, trying to wipe the tears away, but it was hopeless. For a second, Tomura paused, then exhaled and pulled Izuku closer, causing the greenette to pause.

''You know, for someone picked to replace All Might or whatever, you cry a lot like a baby. How lame for the next number one,'' commented Tomura as he rested his chin on the top of Izuku's head. He thought to himself then added, ''I saw you cry just like this once. When you were younger. It was awhile back.''

Izuku's crying stopped. He leaned his head back a bit, then stared at Tomura's neck instead. ''When?"' He asked quietly and curiously.

''I dunno. I was eleven or twelve. You were in a playground, crying because some friend of yours was picking on you. It was super annoying...''

Izuku dryly laughed, wiping his eye. ''Y-Yeah, that sounds like me. '' It was probably Bakugou that made him cry back then. ''But did you really know me when we were younge-'' However, he was stopped by Tomura putting his hand on Izuku's mouth. 

''Did you put these damn gloves on me when I was sleeping?'' He questioned, and since Izukuc couldn't talk, he nodded. Tomura huffed. They were too bad, he would admit to himself. They seemed to be made with a sturdy material, and they could come off and on easily. And since they didn't touch all of Tomura's fingers, the gloves didn't disintegrate.

Izuku pulled Tomura's hand off his mouth. ''I put them on last night after you fell asleep on me. You drank too much and just passed out,'' he said rather bluntly, earning a shocked expression from Tomura. The villain blushed and then scowled. 

''Tell that to anyone and I'll kill you.''

''A-ah, right. I won't..''

Then Izuku realized something: he had stopped crying. He glanced up curiously at Tomura. Did the villain do that? Perhaps he was trying to take Izuku's mind off things. That made Izuku smile a bit just thinking about it. 

''Also,'' Tomura added, as if he wanted to stop talking about him passing out as much as possible. He didn't want Izuku to question why he was drinking in the first place and that it was because he was upset Izuku cut him off. Even though Tomura was a villain and could have forced Izuku to come back by force, somehow Tomura couldn't find it in himself to do so. ''That Sport's Festival thing, I was gonna come. Just to watch and all.'' Why did it feel so.. awkward to admit that to the other? Tomura was always planning on watching the Festival from the base, but..

''O-Oh, you mean on TV?'' Izuku asked.

''No. I was going to come.''

Now Izuku froze. That was way too dangerous! Surely security would be tightened since the attack on the USJ. And the leader just walking into an area full of heros- pros heros on guard- that was walking into a lion's den! Izuku immediately shook his head. ''You can't! You'll  be caught and-''

Tomura leaned his face closer. ''I just want to watch when you perform at the end. I would hope you could get that far. After all,'' he sat up, putting a leg over Izuku's thigh as he sat on his waist and leaned down, his tangled blue locks tickled Izuku's face. 

''Now there's nothing you can do. At this point.. you're mine now, Izuku Midoriya.''

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