Chapter 4

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Katniss' POV

I wake up in the company of Peeta's arms around me again, the sound of District 12's loudspeaker soon following my awakening, and waking up Peeta too.

"All citizens of District 12 are required to meet in the town square for the reaping of the 75th hunger games at noon today. Any who are not in attendance will be punished."

I turn to see the clock, 10 am. Two hours. Peeta sits up in bed, and I turn to him, "I'm gonna go wake up Haymitch." He simply nods in response. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before I get out of bed. He opens his mouth to say, "Today, everyone will know."
"Maybe they'll cancel the games," I look over at him with a small, hopeful smile on my face. I'm still super stressed out about the games, like anyone else would, but I hope that Peeta doesn't volunteer if Haymitch's name is called.

I get into a simple dress, which is what I'll wear to the reaping, and I walk over to Haymitch's house. I knock on his door, and who else but Effie Trinket answers, "Hello, Katniss," she says to me with a warm smile.
"Where's Haymitch?" I ask.
"He's getting a bath," she responded.
"And why are you at his house?" I curiously ask.
"I woke him up," Effie responded happily.
"Well, you're much nicer than I am," I reply, "He probably appreciates you more."
"Love, we've known each other for years. We know how to get on each other's nerves." 
I smile a bit, "I've only known Haymitch for a year, but I really know how to annoy him."
Effie chuckled, "Well, he knows how to tolerate the girl on fire."
"Just tell Haymitch to meet us at my house before the reaping. We can walk over together," I offer, it's the least I can do.
"That reminds me, I should get ready to go. I'll see you there, Katniss." Effie said to me, giving me another hug. After she lets go of me I go back to my own house, where Gale was dropping off some deer meat for my family.

"Hey Catnip," he says, walking over to me and giving me a slight hug. My mom and Prim are preserving and storing the meat. I smile slightly at him, "Thank you, Gale," I say.
"Do you need anything else before you leave?" He asks.
"I need you to make sure they're okay again," I respond.
Gale nods, "Anything for you, Katniss." We hug again, and I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I pull away from him and I can see that he knows I want to cry. He gives me one last piece of advice, "Make them regret having you in that arena." I nod again, and soon he leaves. I turn to my mother and Prim to help them with the last of the meat. It's awfully silent as we finish, but I think it's because they know I'll be protected. My family has learned to trust Haymitch, despite his drunk ways. I've learned to trust him too.

When it's closer to the reaping, Haymitch makes his way to my house, along with Peeta, and we make our way to the reaping together. My hand in Peeta's.

Haymitch's POV

I look at the star crossed lovers as they hold hands, and I can't help but to smirk a bit. I still can't believe that their love was my idea. Now they've come together on their own... becoming a little too together by having that baby. Regardless, I'm happy for them, I always will be. Those two kids are the reasons I'm not dead, and their little girl is just another reason why I'm going to stay alive.

As we take our places on the steps of town hall, I watch as the two lovers have to pull apart, Katniss being the only tribute on the girls side. I look to her, before looking to the crowd. I see them all murmuring to each other. Definitely about Katniss. She can't hide the pregnancy anymore.

Once the reaping begins I tune out Effie's speech, my focus on Katniss. I've heard it over and over again anyway.
"...As always, ladies first," Effie says with an awfully run down, and sad tone in her voice. I tune back in to listen to her, although I know the outcome all to well.

"Katniss Everdeen."

She still hasn't taken Peeta's last name, and she can't until she's 18 anyway by law. She's 17, and she's having a baby. I never bothered to ask if it really was what they wanted, I was just so excited for them. Me, an old ass man, excited for a baby that's not even mine. But I know, Katniss wants me in her life. She told me so herself.

"And now, for the men..." Effie says. I turn to Katniss as she looks back at me with tears pouring down her face. The same thought is running through Peeta and I's head. We will be with you soon, sweetheart. Effie picks the name, and I stiffen up before she reads it allowed. She is very upset as she reads...

"Peeta Mellark."
Within a second, I raise my voice, "I volunteer as tribute."

I come to center stage with Katniss as I hear shocks come from the crowd. Why are they surprised? Effie sadly announces, "These are your district 12 tributes. Haymitch Abernathy and Katniss Everdeen." I've never heard so much hurt in that woman's voice. She is fighting back tears. I can tell.

Katniss and I look to the crowd as everyone raises three fingers to the air, started by Prim and Mrs. Everdeen. Soon, Katniss, Peeta and I follow. Katniss tries to step towards her family, but is taken away by Peacekeepers.

Katniss' POV

As the Peacekeepers drag me away, I'm shouting, "No! NO! I haven't gotten to say goodbye! I need to say goodbye!" I'm trying to fight them off, hearing Prim call out my name, "Prim!" I shout back, my tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. But they're too powerful as one of them hisses in my ear, "Change of plans. You're going straight to the train."

Haymitch was simply being ushered away with Peeta, they didn't have to put up a fight to say goodbye to anyone. Haymitch was looking back at me, "Don't fight them, sweetheart!"

The tears are stinging my face as they force me to the train's entrance. As Peeta turns back to me grunting and trying to resist them, and a Peacekeeper forcefully shoves me in response. Peeta calls out, "Hey! Don't hurt her!" The Peacekeepers force me onto the train after Effie, Haymitch and Peeta, and I find myself falling into Peeta's arms as the train starts moving us to the Capital in seconds.

I see Cinna appear from the corridor that leads to the living area, and I let go of Peeta to greet him with a hug. I can't stop the tears streaming down my face. Cinna takes me in his arms. For once, I feel like I'm safe. In the arms of those around me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Effie as she begins to cry. Haymitch soon takes her in his arms. We all find comfort in each other that afternoon, barely speaking for a while. Soon enough we are buzzing past District 8.

When it comes time for lunch, my roaring stomach brings me out of the bed I've desperately been trying to nap in. Peeta had already been talking to Haymitch about the plan. I don't feel like talking about it. I want to sleep. Although I've gotten sleep the past couple of days, it doesn't feel like enough, it never has, and probably never will. Nobody is crying anymore, which I'm ultimately thankful for.

As I sit in between Peeta and Effie for lunch, the rest of my team are already in a conversation. Peeta looks over at me, smiling softly, "How was your nap?"
"Nonexistent," I reply.
We are expected to hit the Capital by 3:00. It's only 2:00. One hour left.
Haymitch looks over at Peeta. "What advice do you have for us, dearest mentor?"
"The same advice you gave us. Stay alive," Peeta responded, putting a hand on my inner thigh. I can't help but to blush a bit, and nosy Effie has already seen the move by Peeta, nodding her head slightly and turning back towards Haymitch and Cinna. We talk lightly about the games, mostly about what'll happen before. We talk about training and the Tribute's Parade mostly today, because that's what will come in the next two days. Haymitch doesn't even want me to shoot a bow during training. He wants me to focus on trying to be nicer and make allies. I think I'll be able to. Maybe win over a few hearts just because of the baby.

Once we're about thirty minutes away from the Capital, I decide that I want to tell them the name of the baby. "So Peeta and I have figured out her name, and this is going to be kept secret until the interview with Caesar."
I see the three adults perk up.
"Well, go on then!" Effie says excitedly.
I look to Peeta as he nods in approval before I say her name.
"Ivy Rue Mellark."

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