Chapter 10

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Katniss' POV

I've been dreading this day ever since Snow's announcement. My last full meal for a while is finally here. Then I'll be shipped off to the Arena and killed. I get out of bed to meet everyone in the dining room. Peeta was the only one there. I go over to give him a hug.
"I've been thinking about what to say today," he said to me. "Ever since I saw you run towards those woods." I stay quiet, but break from the hug, my arms then wrapping around his shoulder.
"I don't know what is going to go through your mind in that arena, but all I want you to remember is to put yourself first."
"Peeta, I'm not putting myself first. I'm putting Ivy first."
"But in order to protect her, you need to protect yourself."
Effie steps into the dining room, "Well, there are my victors..." she said, coming over to us. She seems very run down. Drained.
"I have presents for you guys, and Haymitch..." she said, and as if it was magic Haymitch was walking into the room. I notice Effie's gold wig. It's new, I can tell.
"Goodmorning," Haymitch said to all of us. Although we were not feeling good.
"So, presents..." Effie says, trying to shake away her fears of the future. "For Peeta." she hands him a box, which makes me let go of Peeta and he opens it. "And for Haymitch," she hands him a box as well. Haymitch's box reveals a golden bracelet, while Peeta's holds a gold medallion.
"Now we all match in gold. The hair for me, the pin for Katniss, and the jewelry for the boys."
"Thank you, Effie," Peeta says.
"Well, we're a team, aren't we?" She said, smiling softly and beginning to tear up, "and I am so proud of my victors..." she said, giving Peeta and I each a hug.
"Thank you, Effie, for everything," I said to her.
"But it's not enough. You guys deserved so much better..." Effie stated, soon walking away in tears.
I look towards Peeta, as he's wiping tears of his own. I give him another hug and a long kiss before Haymitch steps towards us and asks to speak with Peeta alone. I reluctantly agree and go to the dining room to eat breakfast.

Peeta's POV

I head to the arena, having said what I hope will be a temporary goodbye to my wife. I am escorted to the sponsor's spectating area where I see many Capital faces smiling at my presence and coming over to meet me. I try to keep a smile on my face as I shake their hands. These are the people who don't seem to care about the baby, they just want the entertainment. They don't seem to care that my wife is about to be in her second Hunger Games. They just see me as a celebrity with no emotions. I attempt to look around for Effie, but I cannot find her.

When I was in the elevator with Katniss that was taking her to her podium spot, we didn't speak. I didn't have anything to tell her. Before the door opened, all I could do was give her another long kiss, and tell her and my little girl that I love them.

Soon I find a spot on a couch by the TV, introducing myself to the district 7 mentor beside me. I watch the tributes rise up on their pedestals. There's water everywhere. Haymitch is ready to run. Katniss has no idea what she's going to do, she looks panicked. Frightened. I see tears run down her cheeks. Tears start to form in my eyes.

My gut sinks, a play nervously with the medallion Effie gave me. Where is Effie?

I see Finnick a few pedestals away from Katniss. He looks over to her, nods his head to her. He then turns his eyes to a trident in the cornucopia.

I hope I'll be able to meet my daughter.

The water is very unsteady. Why did it have to be water?

Haymitch spoke to me earlier today. Somehow he thinks everything is going to be okay. I told him it's not.

Effie. The one time I desperately need her she's gone. Where is she?!

The career tributes have their eyes on Katniss. If only I was there to kill them myself.

Haymitch's POV

I look desperately for Katniss, she must be on the other side of the cornucopia. I see a path I want to run.

Peeta is watching this all by himself. That poor kid has gone through too much.

Do it for them.

0. I find myself leaping to the nearest track and straight to the cornucopia. I pick up a bag which has a few knives in it. That's all I'm taking. I see Finnick finish off a tribute before I make my way to the other side of the cornucopia, yelling, "Katniss!"
"Haymitch!" I hear her reply. I see her and Mags on the sand. I rush over to them, getting out a knife from the bag and slinging it over my shoulder.
Finnick and Johanna Mason have successfully fought off a few tributes, and grabbed some of their loot before they went in opposite directions. Finnick came towards us. Johanna went the other way.

Finnick stops in front of us and hands Katniss a bow, "For you..." he says, also giving her the arrows.
"Thank you, Finnick..." she replied to him, taking the bow and arrows.
"So what are we doing here? Let's go try to find water..." Finnick says. We all nod and start to go to the woods. Finnick helps Mags walk trough the woods. As we get deeper, I see that Finnick and I are the ones ahead while Katniss is helping Mags slowly but surely behind us.

Our track through the woods is ended abruptly as I see white smoke coming from the brush in front of me. I reach out and it instantly stings without being close to me. I turn back quickly, "Let's get out of here! It's toxic!"

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