Chapter 14

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Katniss' POV

It's been a few days, but I'm finally discharged from the hospital. I have my sister brushing out my hair for me before I leave my hospital room... and I look over into the doorway as someone steps in.

"Katniss Everdeen," he spoke, "I'm Colonel Boggs. I understand you've been discharged, but President Coin has requested to meet with you."
"Okay..." I hesitantly agree, as Prim looks over at me. I make sure she's alright before I get out of my bed and go with him. It still hurts to be on my feet. We take an elevator to where I will meet the President. Once we get to the room, we enter, and I see Beetee in a wheelchair. Then Plutarch and President Coin walk in.
"There she is..." Plutarch begins, "Our mockingjay."
"Katniss, it is an honor to meet you," the president speaks. I'm disoriented and tired. My feet hurt so badly. "I can't imagine what it was like to live through the atrocities of those games... nonetheless surviving one while pregnant. Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of time."

I turn to Beetee and he motions for me to take a seat... so does President Coin. I take a seat.
"There have been uprisings in 7 districts. We need to hold up this energy. With it, we could rebel against the capital."
"But what about Peeta? Is he alive?" I ask frantically.
"I don't know, and I wish I did. I cannot contact my people in the Capital," Plutarch said. I feel tears coming to my eyes.
"The Capital has always suppressed communications with the districts," Beetee tells me. "But I know their systems, and I can break through."

The tears start pouring out of my eyes. I turn to Plutarch, ignoring what he said about using me as propaganda, "You left Peeta. You left him there to die."
He starts to speak, I cut him off, "Peeta was the one that was supposed to live to see our baby!"
"Katniss, this revolution is about everyone, we need you to be the voice," President Coin says.
"Then you should've saved Peeta too," I say, slamming my hand down on the table, before getting up and walking out of the room.

I angrily walk back to my hospital room, where Prim still remains on my bed, but I see someone with her. Effie. Effie with... no wig. I instantly break down into tears yet again as I rush into her arms.
"Katniss! My dearest..." she said, embracing me.
"How did you get out?" I ask.
"That is none of your concern my dear. What should be of your concern is Peeta and Ivy."
"I can't do any of this without Peeta," I say.
"You'll be okay... you will all be okay."

Haymitch's POV

I'm on my way to meet the President to discuss everyone's favorite mockingjay. I have no idea what they want to talk about, but I have to make sure Katniss is safe. I don't care that she came at me with a syringe. She will come around eventually. She always does. We just need to get her to a state where she's not going insane.

I am escorted into a meeting room with Plutarch, Beetee and President Coin are.
"Haymitch, it's great to see you," Plutarch says. "This is President Coin. President Coin, Haymitch Abernathy."
The President shakes my hand, "Thank you for coming. We must talk about Katniss, and I know you guys are very close. Please, sit."
I take a seat beside Beetee. He's in a wheelchair. I want to say something to him but I refuse. I run my finger over the scab on my cheek from when the force field exploded. I have more bruises, but they don't bother me.

"We want to take Katniss to 12. Let her see what remains, get her angry," Plutarch said. I laugh.
"With all do respect, Katniss just got out of the games. She's due any day with that baby. Taking her to 12 is not the best move."
The two of them give me a puzzled look. President Coin said, "Unfortunately we don't have time to wait."
"If you want to get the public talking more, wait until she has Ivy. Then you can take both of them to 12. Take a picture. The image spread around the nation will make them go wild."
Plutarch and Coin nod, "I like that plan." Plutarch said, "It'll make people realize there's a whole other generation to fight for. I like it Haymitch."
"Well, I know how those people think," I say.
"You'll be a great ally to us, you can read Katniss much better than we can," President Coin said.
"I just have to get back on her good side," I say. They dismissed me. I decided to go to Katniss' hospital room.

I see her with Effie and Prim. The look in her eyes. She looks horrified. I'm surprised I turned out okay after being in that arena. Maybe because I knew how it would end. The thought that they couldn't get Peeta haunts me, especially with the chance that he will never be able to meet his baby.

"Get out," Katniss said to me once she locked eyes with me.
"Katniss, we need to talk. I just saved your ass and you don't even know it. Coin and Plutarch want to send you to 12 in the next 24 hours," I say to her. She relaxed a bit.
"Now what on earth are they doing?!" Effie exclaims, "She can't go anywhere now!"
"I don't want to go anywhere unless it's to get Peeta," Katniss said. I nod my head.
"I know, sweetheart. But first, before we can even get you ready to face the Capital and everything in between, you need to have that baby. I'm not gonna let them take you anywhere. You've already almost lost that baby once."
Her expression changes. She relaxed her body. She knows I'll fight for her, no matter if she fights with me.
"Thank you, Haymitch," she said.
"Of course," I say.

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