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I closed my eyes as I was tired and I wanted a rest. A loud noise made both of us startled, as we were awake. We sit still for a second but it happened again.

We both look to eachother. Jungkook jumped from his bed and go towards sliding door. It was manual door.

"Who?" He asked shortly.

"Guys, it's me Hoseok." He was the one knocking door like a maniac. He scared me. I was already holding my knife around my fingers. I put my knife back and stayed on my bed.

"Are you guys asleep?" He asked hugging Jungkook and high-fived me.

"Yes, we were about to but you came." Jungkook said.

" I will come back later then. Bye." He said and left in a second.

I lay back on my mattress and soon drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with a ruffling sound near me. My body feels fresh. I wore my shoes and saw around, they all were not in bed. Not even Rose.

I panicked, something might happened to them. I run outside from the doors. When I was about to walk downstairs. I heard few noises, nearby. I stopped and looked at people.

It was Namjoon and Taehyung. "Guys, where were you?" I asked.

"We were eating dinner. Go downstairs, and eat something." Namjoon said.

"I don't know. Where it is?" I asked both of them as I sighed.

"I will take you there." Taehyung said.

We started to walk to our destination.

Whenever, I am with Taehyung, it's different from others. We usually are so imersed in our conversation, that I  don't see, where I  am going. It's like, I blindly trust him. Where ever he takes me, I go there.

"So how's it is going with Jungkook?" He asked.

"Nothing special." I replied.

"He caressed your hair when we were in helicopter and then he fight with me because he wanted to take you to cabin."

"Really? Wow and I thought, everyone left me. So he did kindness to take me to cabin." I said surprised.

"No, Jungkook team mates were calling him but he was like he need to do some task first and that was to take you to cabin." Taehyung explained situation to me.

"I am surprised, actually."

"You should be." Taehyung chuckled.

"There is also one more thing." I said to Taehyung and he smiled and give me his all attention.

"Omo! I'm so excited. What it is?" He asked excitedly.

I am not surprised by his action

"He stood up for me." I smiled.

"Really? When?"

"There was this girl, Kira and she was non-stop talking bad about me. So he told her indirectly, to shut up." I smiled more as I told him situation.

"Man! I wanted to be there. To see those amazing reactions." He ruffled his hair.

"You are unbelievable Taehyung. And you know what? I am not even surprised by it." I laughed as it was funny to see his reaction.

"You shouldn't be." He chuckled. We entered a place full of food. I don't know where it came from. I just fed my tummy.

It was mid night. It was time to leave. I didn't know who was leaving, and who are staying. The only thing I know is that I am going with them.

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