"What's wrong big guy, "I asked.

I watched as his grimace turned to a pout, this guy was such a baby.

"It's this trybrid girl, its like every time she sees my face she wants to kill me. I was even starting to feel guilty for killing her in the first place, but when I went to see her  in the dungeon while I was with Xander, she tried to kill me again by choking me with that voodoo thing you guys have" he said.

I kept quiet for a while thinking of what to say to him. I knew Amare was wrong here.He is the one that caused all this anyway.

"When we were in the forest, do you remember what you said to her" I asked. I watched as he shook his head slightly.

"First of all, you called her mad, second, we were having a moment and I saw your eyes before you turned to face her, they were full of lust and so was your voice, maybe she thought you wanted to attack her, you know, considering she was stark naked, maybe it was just a defense mechanism. And besides she didn't even harm you enough to kill you I checked your wounds before I took her to get clothes. "

His expression turned neutral then angry again.

"but what about the second time, she chocked me with her eyes." I knew Amare never seemed to accept defeat but he had no proof of his innocence here.

"What did you say to her in the dungeon Amare" I asked,"and dont you lie, you know I can tap into your thoughts" I knew this was a big risk, lying to Amare, of course I couldn't see his thoughts, but Tamasha could. She had done it on me.

"Well she kept bickering about how I had killed you in the forest and kept asking where you were, but why would she ask about you, what if she wanted to harm you, so I asked why she cared and then I just felt all the air go out of my lungs."

It was weird that was the reason, we didn't even talk for long with her. But since its like everyone had met her in this house yet I'm the only one who knew her name I guess she put a little trust in me.

"Maybe she was just scared you would harm her again, I'm sure it's really scary waking up and realizing you were dead a few minutes ago, feeding from a stranger, I know I would be scared." I said to Amare hoping he would understand what I was trying to pass across.

His expression softened and it was then I saw the exhaustion in his eyes. He hadn't slept since yesterday, I knew he had gone to the club with Xander then came back to prepare for our night and after it went south I knew he stayed up waiting for Xander. I knew if I told him to sleep he would refuse so I did what I could.

"Why don't you come lay here with me," I said. He stood up and placed himself beside me, burring his head in the crook of my neck.

 I whispered the enchantment and felt him go limp on my shoulder. I placed his head on the pillow and stood up to watch him sleep.

I needed to see Tamasha. I kissed his forehead knowing the spell would wear off when he was totally rested.

I walked out of the room heading for the dungeons, I didn't even know where she was, but that was a great place to start right.

"Glad to see your awake hag, I thought I'd finally gotten rid of you" 

I turned to meet a grinning Xander, His grin broke into a hearty smile.

"You better close that mouth before I go blind mofo," I said covering my eyes.

"My teeth aren't as white as you claim them to be, but i'll take that as a compliment." he said.

"That aside, where's Tamasha, I need to have a word with her."

"Who the fuck is that, I didn't know you and Amare would start with the nicknames this early"he said. A disgusted expression on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"The trybrid girl you bastard, I thought by now you would have a whole file on her"

"Well I would, but that girl doesn't exist. I had gotten my guys to look into her but they found nothing. Not even her parents. So I sent her to Sebastian, he always has his way with girls."

I smiled knowing Sebastian would get Xander the information.all he had to say was and I quote "you'll need a full body examination, but it cant take place here, I'm sure you'll be more comfortable if a female doctor does it". All girls who came here and fell 'sick' always fell for that line claiming that they would be more than comfortable if he did the examination.

We walked toward the house white room as Amare liked to call it. I had done this a couple of times. It was either we walked in on an extreme make out session or we find them actually shagging. The thing was Sebastian was dating Esmeralda, but they're relationship was now open since they weren't exactly mates.

I stood behind the door waiting for Xander to open first. I had to protect my innocent eyes. Xander on the other hand acted like it was just any other room, he opened the door wide like an expected guest.

"What the fuck" he shouted. 

With his reaction I'm sure it was a horrifying position. That was until I heard the beeping off a machine. Xander moved inside as I took min what was in the room. Esmeralda was holding a pair of tweezers with a surgeon's outfit on her small frame of a body. In the bed laid Tamasha her back bloody with pieces of what looked like silver on the table.

Xander was about to talk, probably ask what was going on, but a loud scream interrupted him. Tamasha had started moving probably waking up.

 "The sedative has worn off again if I add another dose It will be harmful to her body"Esmeralda shouted trying to hold her down.

"How many times have you sedated her since you began" I asked walking to her.

"this will be the fifth, If I go through with it. I grabbed the flower on the table and used it for an unconscious spell. 

Tamasha's body went limp on the bed. The look on Esmeralda was priceless, if I wasn't so shocked I would have laughed.

"you better close her up, the spell won't take more than five minutes for it to wear off "I said

"And I thought she was just a stripper" I heard Esmeralda whisper as she started stitching Tamasha's wounds.    



with love 


CassandraWhere stories live. Discover now