Chapter 51

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Hey Kristen!

       I know we've been through a lot. Our friendship had been through so many tests and I am so happy that even though we are no longer that close, I can still see the curve in your lips, the smile in your eyes, and the true happiness in your face.

       Thank you for entering into my life again even though I know that you just created a dummy account because you wanna make me feel what I made you feel before. I can really say that you, being a Ms. Terious, is a blessing in disguise because it made our paths cross again.

       I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know that you had feelings on me back then. Now I know the reason why our friendship had lost, gone, and fell apart.

       Sorry for making you feel that I rejected you two years ago. Sorry for hurting you the exact date that your turning eighteen. I and Celestine never had a relationship. I never had a chance to confess my feelings to her and if so, I know that we will never be in that kind of relationship

       Thank you for opening my heart again. For making me feel that I am so special once in a while even though I know that it was all just a lie.

       Sadly, I just can't believe that we are now strangers, that in just a snap of a finger and a blink of an eye, we are no longer in a friendship relationship.

       Maybe you are wondering why I didn't use the name I used to call you, that is because I will only call you in that name if we are already okay, and that will be our sign. I am always here waiting for the time you'll say "Apology accepted, Frex".

       As I end this letter, I want you to know that in my eyes, you will always have a special space in my heart.

- Khester

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