Chapter 17

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El Cuezra Band

Julian: Sorry I'm late haha

Lesley: Even at this kind of event
you're late, why don't you try to
imitate us, tsk

Julian: Sorry dude, I know your
early bird as always hahahaha

Lesley: Khester, are you okay?

Julian: It feels like you're looking
for someone

Khester: Yah, I'm good

Lesley: He's probably looking for
Ms. Terious, hoping that she's one
of the crowds screaming hahaha

Julian: Probably dude hahaha

Khester: Stop teasing me, I'm
focusing my mind on the lyrics

Julian: Really? To the lyrics
or to the crowd?

Lesley: Or to Ms. Terious to be

Khester: Both dude

Lesley: Finally you admitted it

Khester: Just curious about who
she is, I just want to know her
and that's all

Julian: I like your bravery dude,
but keep in mind that you must
not fall for her

Lesley: By the way, we are next
inline dude, let's stay focused and
enjoy the party

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