Chapter 31

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Khester: Woah hahaha I think
your eyes are blurred already.
I don't see anything unique in
me but anyways thank your
for your compliment

Ms. Terious: You just don't
see it but you're welcome
hihi, so any questions?

Khester: Will I know you if
you say your name to me?

Ms. Terious: Hmm
I can't say, sorry

Khester: It's okay, no problem

Ms. Terious: You're really

Khester: Ha? Why?

Ms. Terious: There's so much
in you that only a few people

Khester: What's in me?

Ms. Terious: You are one of
those people who I have met
that have so much patience
and understanding

Khester: I believe that all people
have that, maybe they just have
to learn that kind of personality.
But anyway thank you for your
heart-warming message

Ms. Terious: You deserve
this message, Khester.
Heartiest welcome

The Mysterious Sender (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang