Chapter 38

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Khester: This is not a good joke,
I'm over!

Ms. Terious: The words
that I said were all true.
The truth and nothing
but the truth, Khester

Khester: Why are you doing this?

Ms. Terious: Because I want
you to experience the pain
that I carry until now

Khester: To experience the pain? What did I do wrong? If I have
done something wrong to you,
you should have told me before

Ms. Terious: Even if I told you
at first, you still hurt me and
that cannot change anything

Khester: I don't understand you.
What did I do wrong?

Ms. Terious: Ask yourself then

Khester: You're confusing me.

Ms. Terious: I guess you
deserved to be confused

Khester: Why does it have to be
this way?

Ms. Terious: You caused
me so much pain

Khester: Why now when I
already fell for you?

Ms. Terious: I told you,
It was all my plan

Khester: Then you have done
what you planned

Ms. Terious: It's not yet done,
I haven't yet introduced myself
to you

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