Chapter 9

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Julian: Done eating

Khester: What did you eat?

Julian: Seriously dre?
You need my update of
what I ate hahaha anyway
bacon and rice

Khester: Just bacon and rice?
The heck, I thought you also
ate all your utensils there, it
took you so long to reply tsk!

Julian: I also thought
you're serious about
asking me what I ate
hahaha, so what happened
between you and Ms. Terious?

Khester: Dre, I want to know
who she is but I don't know

Julian: Just ask anything
you want to ask from her
because time will come
that those pieces of information
about her will lead you to
know her without pleasing
who she is

Khester: I hope so dre

Julian: But there's one very
important thing you must
not do

Khester: What?

Julian: Don't fall for her

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