Arc 4: Special Chapter: Reflections

Start from the beginning

Shortly, he then took a sachet of powder detergent, opened it, and poured a small portion onto the basin. Once done, he started to mixed it and thus bubbles were formed due to the reaction of both substances. From onwards, He began to manually washed his clothes one by one until they've all gotten cleanse from the dirt, stains, and muds.

Boruto was already used to these kinds of things. He had learned the art of washing clothes manually, which was a good thing since he wasn't going to be dependent on the washing machine all the time like he used to before. He already considered this as a part of surviving life.

As time passed on, he found himself getting indulged with the atmosphere around him. After all the fights that he had been through, he was now finding his own peace of mind and this was all he wanted for the time being.

"I thought listening to music was a good way, but this is much better." He thought to himself, a small smile slipping across his lips, yet he still wished that had his phone or his MP3 player.

He hadn't had a smile for himself in awhile. All the events throughout this mission awakened all the seriousness in him or in simple terms, his other side. It was a part of him that has remained dominant for the past three years. His old friends and even little sister, would sometimes wonder about the old Boruto and what has happened to old naive and energetic kid.

What really made that old persona disappear?

Boruto can't say for the fact. He really doesn't remember anything from beyond that point. He guessed all the tragedies that he had witnessed, this so-called eyes that would take everything from him.

"Guess that bastard was right all along." Another thought came into his mind.

The blonde's eyes then slowly darted towards the river and he saw and stared at his own reflection.

The face of a war hardened teen, who had one eye almost taken away and scar left behind as a reminder. In fact It was only just the facade, and if he goes beyond what he normally had, he would be a very different person.

Since arriving in the past, he hasn't use that power fully. except for the time, they were escaping the huge chamber, that was about to collapse. He had to admit that it was a experience that really had a huge effect on him. Yes, he could control it, but he won't try to use it into a full extent for the fact that it will completely drain every strength he had.

At his eyes were still focus on the river, his reflection would soon and slowly change. In a matter of moments, He was now staring at the reflection of himself, but this time his appearance vastly different. It was something that still scared him, but had grown to accept. He still couldn't imagine himself having pale skin, small horns, and wearing weird white clothing. He preferred the more human appearance and with just the black marks on his arm. One horn is enough by the way.

Boruto closed his eyes for a brief moment and then opened it again. His own reflection was back to normal. He gave a sigh as he continued to the next phase of washing his clothes. He grabbed a fabric softener and pour a portion of it the newly filled basin and he waited for about 5 minutes to let the clothes soaked and mixed with the substance.

Going back into his own thoughts, he'd planned on telling Showtaro about it to see if he could let out any ideas for a somesort of way to at least get rid of the appearance. But it seemed that Sarada would probably inform the duck sooner or later.

At the same time, he darted his eyes towards his right hand and observed the little four-point black diamond on the middle of his palm.

"I guess this will be here for awhile long" He commented to himself.

After minutes of waiting, the blonde finally to the still wet soaked clothes from the basin, he then threw out the remaining water mixed with the fabric softener's substance on a empty spot, filling the basin again with clean water from the river. Thus, the last step had commenced and he began washing the clothes for the final time.

It didn't took long enough and once he was done, he threw the last portion of water to the empty spot again and began to squeezed each clothing to release the water trap inside. Afterwards, he placed the newly washed the clothes back on the basin and into the respective scroll, as did the same for remaining detergents and softeners.

Boruto took a deep breath as he took the time to lay down on the dry grassy field. He never thought that this chore would be really be tiring even though, Hey! it was just a few clothes. If it was on another level like what his mom was handling back then, he would certainly fell to his knees in defeat. As of now, his little sister would be facing a similar challenge.

A soft smile went across his lips as the blonde gazed at the clear blue sky. His thoughts turn to the younger Uzumaki girl and wondered on what had she had been doing for the past several days. He was a little bit concern since the girl was all by herself. He hoped the money, which he had left was enough for her to use until he and the team arrive back.

Even though his overprotective side would always remind him of his responsibility as a big brother, he still believed in the fact that his little sister can already handle herself and so far he really had nothing to worry about.

"Oh, what am I thinking again..."

Boruto gave a little chuckle." I think that's enough of the worrying'' He said to himself. Slowly rising up, yawning and taking a gaze at the beautiful clear blue sky once more.

"Can't wait to get back home!"


AN: Hello there! So I've been gone for a month now because of two things, burnout and studies. The last chapter was published before online classes began and once classes started, I didn't have the free time to write since I was also bombarded with activities and projects. This short chapter was written during the little free time that I managed to find. As of now, I am still quite busy with school and I'm not sure on when the next chapter will come out, although, I've started writing the first part of that chapter, for the meantime I'll try my best to find time to write and continue.

Thank You very much for reading the chapter!

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