Chapter 21 - The Beasts of the Realm

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I opened my eyes to the view I had once seen.

Every detail of the island had never been clearer than the last time, and I could make out the beach from where we got stranded and also the end part of the island we didn't explore yet. I frantically searched our place and found out Rico at my side. The pistol was in his hand, and he was more than alert than anyone could be.

I couldn't help but smile.

Priscilla was shackled beside him, and Dr. Shawn was lying next to her; his shoulder was bleeding rather seriously. Oh, no, what should I do? From what I understood, I could create anything in this realm, so that might mean that I could also create a doctor to help him or something. I imagined the image of one to appear beside Dr. Shawn, but nothing happened.

How the heck was I supposed to create, anyhow?

At the far north of the island, I noticed Josh and Rex on the ground. They were both wincing and crying in pain.

How could I help Josh? Please, someone or anything on this island, help Josh!


I opened my eyes and gasped for some air. I was having a hard time breathing. What just happened? Rico was quick to take my elbow, and he supported me up. "What did you find?"

"Someone talked to me." I gasped for more air.

"Someone? I thought you're creating something already."

"No, I found Josh in a very critical situation, so I cried for help then someone answered."

"It could be something that the previous creator knew. Was it intelligible?"

"Yes, and in a deep voice. It said 'understood'."

He just looked at me and didn't say anything. I rushed to Dr. Shawn's place and examined his wound.

It was worse than I thought.

"This is bad. He'll probably die if we can't replenish his blood as soon as possible. He's losing too much!"

"What can we do? Can you save him using your power?"

"I tried, but it's not working!"

"How a—"

WHOOSH—a large tree went past over us. It landed upside down with a loud thud. The trunk swayed and it careened our way. Rico hoisted Priscilla and Dr. Shawn, and then we swerved to the corner, watching in horror as the humongous tree calmed and settled on the ground.

"What in the world..." Rico broke off as soon as we saw a group of giants at the opposite hillside. I could make out two small figures standing below them; their thoughts active.

The twins.

We approximately counted eleven in total. How were we supposed to wipe them all?

"Rico, buy me some time. I'll see what I can do." I hid behind the crown of the hurtled tree and focused.

I was overlooking the island once again.

The giants were now uprooting lots of coconut-looking trees, piling them on top of each other. The twins retreated, and they summoned and resized some more at a small opening in the woods.

It looked like one tree toss was not enough for them.

I did what I had done earlier. I cried for help. Then the voice answered again.

What would you like us to do?

Wait, who are you?

We are the beasts that Maximus created. We've been inherited to you.

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