The makeout

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Denki awoke to bright sunlight and the smell of coconut, he opened his eyes and realised it was Shinsou's hair, his hair smelt sweet and was extremely soft, denki was blinded by the rays of sunlight peeking through the blinds then realised he should check the time, he turned over and read the time 10:34 he went into a panic realising how late for school they were and tried to sit up, only to notice a pressure around his waist, shinsou was hugging him, he blushed a little "toshi, let me up, we're late for school" he plead shinsou groaned "I already talked to my dad hours ago.. were allowed to stay home" "oh" Denki replied, feeling a little embarrassed that he panicked and flustered knowing that shinsou was knowingly hugging him.

- short time skip -
" hey toshi! Can I borrow some of your clothes?" Denki yelling from Shinsou's bed "yeah, you should be able to find something that fits" shinsou replied from the kitchen. Denki found a hoodie and blank jeans that fitted him surprisingly well, after he was dressed him walked down to the kitchen where shinsou was, shinsou put a plate of food down in front of him "thank you toshi" Denki said before starting to eat, shinsou smiled and started to clean up."Are you going to have something?" Denki questioned, "no I'm not hungry" shinsou replied.

They hung out all day, just watching movies and playing video games among other things, it was the first time hitoshi had been happy all day in a long time,

They sat in Shinsou's room, on his bed, just minding there own business before Denki looked over at Shinsou "hey toshi?" "Mhm" the other male replied without looking from his guitar "can I try something?" Denki questioned, "sure" shinsou replied sitting down his guitar, Denki then leant over and kissed him,shinsou kissed back and it was clear never of them wanted to pull away.

The kiss became passionate and lightly heated as they continued to kiss, shinsou leans against the wall as Denki leant towards him more. The two only pulled away when dying for air, but after a moments pause connected again, the two continued to make out with Denki rubbing circles into shinsou thigh before a car pulled up and a little girl happily yelled "hito!!!! Denki!!!"

Mic and Eir we're home.

I'm sorry for these short ass chapters but I'm just not interested in this book anymore, but I will promise to finish it

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