Chapter Thirty-Four

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"This is going to be so awkward." He grumbles, as we pull into the parking lot near the restaurant Harry and I are meeting his dad at.

I chuckle lightly, squeezing his thigh, "Yes, it's going to be incredibly awkward, but this could also be very therapeutic."

He lulls his head to the side to look at me, pouting his lips, "So you're really not going to let me back out of this?"

"We are literally outside of the restaurant right now."

"I could fake an illness." He says quickly, "Common cold? Food poisoning? Appendicitis?"

I give him a look, "I think he would be a little worried if you got appendicitis."

"Have you met the man? He's got a heart made of ice."

I sigh, turning in my seat towards him, and bringing my hand up to cup his jaw. Smiling softly, I say, "That might be so, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to smooth everything over? Don't you want to be able to go to a family dinner, and not have to worry about your dad saying some stupid shit?"

"Yeah." Harry says begrudgingly.

I grin, "You know, you're really cute when you get all pouty like this."

He tries to fight the smile on his lips, but he can't. "Don't make me smile."

"But I like it when you smile." I lean forward, keeping us only a few inches apart. "How about this... we go in there, have dinner with your father, and smooth things over. Then when we get home, I'll..."

"You'll what?" His hand comes up to comb his fingers through my hair, gripping the back of my head to pull me in closer.

I grin mischievously, giving him a chaste kiss before backing up entirely, and saying, "You'll just have to wait and find out."

He sends me a quick glare as I climb out of the car laughing. Reluctantly, he follows me, taking my hand in his, and checking us in with the hostess. His dad is already here, of course, so we follow the girl through the restaurant until we hit a more private section. I can feel his nerves radiating off of him, knowing they haven't spoken since Christmas - not counting the awkward phone call they exchanged where he asked to eat dinner with us.

Mr. Styles looked just as uncomfortable as Harry did, sitting stiffly at the rectangular table waiting for us. He was dressed up in his normal suit, but surprisingly didn't have his phone out. He stood the moment he spotted us, sending us both a tight smile.

"Mr. Styles, hello." I greet him with a handshake.

"Daniella, how are you?"

"Good, this place looks great." I say, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's one of my favorites." He nods his head towards his son. "Harry."

He clears his throat, "Dad." I elbow his side. "It's good to see you."

He looks to relax a bit, sitting down at the seat opposite of Harry. I sit in-between them, and we settle into a weird silence. Thankfully, we are saved by our server.

"Hello, my name is Krista and I'll be serving you tonight. May I get anyone started with a drink?"

"Scotch on the rocks, please." Mr. Styles answers.

"I'll take a Stella." Harry say, sending our server a smile.

"Um, a whiskey and coke." I turn my attention towards his father, "I hope you weren't waiting too long."

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