Chapter Two

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He tasted like mint and beer.

His lips were even softer than I thought they would be and they molded with mine perfectly. His hand still gripping my hair, tilting my head back so he would have better access and mine moved to the side of his neck and stroked my thumb against his flushed skin.

The kiss was hard and lustful and, somehow, we both knew exactly what the other needed. Our movements were in sync as our tongues met without needing to be cautious or ask for entrance. He let mine dominate his as he moaned into my mouth, causing goosebumps to form all over my body. I felt electric, like every nerve in my body was prickling because of the man in my embrace.

Usually when I kissed a guy it was sloppy and needy. Every once in a while I would hook in someone who wanted it slower, but nothing ever clicked. There was never any spark you read about in the books or moment of clarity showcased in a movie. This, however, felt different. I couldn't even describe was this felt like. Time wasn't slowing down, and this wasn't a slow, loving kiss, but it meant something.

Honestly, it really scared me.

We separate to breathe, my eyes flickering open in a daze to see him looking down on me with a strange look. His brows were furrowed and his eyes had lightened just a smidge as he examined my face. I was slightly taken back by his expression, but didn't have time to think about it as his lips slammed back into mine hungrily. There was so much force behind his lips that I forgot about everything that had just been on my mind. I forgot about how different this felt and how scared I was feeling about what this meant. I was completely and utterly consumed by this man.

"Dani..." He whispered into my mouth in between kisses.

"Harry, if you don't bring me to a room right now and fuck me relentlessly than I'm going to explode." My voice was husky and unfamiliar. I had never lost control before in this situation and I sure as hell had never been so needy.

"I need you. I need to feel you." He gave me one last powerful kiss, his tongue stroking mine, and untangled himself from me. His hand grabbed mine tightly and pulled me through the crowd of people quickly. I didn't care where he brought me, I just needed him.

He led me up the stairs, weaving through the crowd of people sitting on the stairs, some ignoring us as they sipped on their drinks or smoked a blunt, others watching us with knowing smirks. He turned abruptly to the right at the top of the stairs and walked past several doors. He looked like he knew his way around as he stopped at the last door on the left. He turned the knob and sighed in relief when it opened and there wasn't anyone occupying the room. He held the door open for me and I walked in, slipping my flannel off my shoulders, throwing it on the ground without a care, and started walking to the bed. I heard the door close and lock behind me and before I knew what was happening I was pinned up against the wall.

Harry's body was pressed up against me and his lips found mine in a powerful, deep kiss that stole my breathe away. My arms flew around his neck and my fingers found their way into his hair, pulling and combing. He moaned into my mouth and broke away to kiss across my jaw and down my neck. He made it all the way down to my collarbone and bit down, causing a loud gasp to leave my mouth.

"I thought about you all last night. What you would feel like... taste like. You're all I could picture in the shower this morning while I jerked off, wondering what your tiny hands could do to me." His deep raspy voice was heating me up and spurring me on.

I couldn't take it any longer when my hands ripped away from his hair and made their way down to his belt, undoing it with ease, and tearing it from his pants. He panted roughly and gripped the hem of my top and pulled it over my head, revealing my light pink, see-through, lace bralette. His eyes dilated and darkened as his stared at my chest, his mouth hung open, and I unbuttoned his pants. I slid his zipper down with shaky hands, and took a deep breathe in to calm my sudden nerves.

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