Chapter Eleven

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Walking out of class, the last thing I expected to see was Harry leaning against a tree waiting for me. His eyes scanned over the crowd of people leaving the psych building until they found my face. A smile immediately spread across his, and I couldn't help the matching smile that littered mine.

When I finally made it to him, my arms wrapped around his neck and I brought him in for a kiss. If he was surprised by my sudden display of affection in front of hundreds of milling students he didn't show it, instead kissing me deeply and holding me against him.

Last time I saw him was when I called him the moment I got off work, like he asked, and he met me at my place. He saw how tired I was and insisted that we go straight to bed. I felt so bad about dragging him all the way over to my place just to fall asleep, but he was so soft with me, his hand taking hold of mine and leading me upstairs. After watching me get changed into my pj's - a little begging from him to get me in his shirt - and brushing our teeth he pulled me on top of him, the covers flying over me. With the smallest kiss and a whispered goodnight, I fell asleep easier and faster than I ever had.

Our schedules had kept us physically apart since then, but the constant texts and two hour nightly phone conversations sated us for now. Kissing him in the halls of our school, in front of everybody felt good. Both of us had a reputation around here, neither of us too bothered by it. We didn't do relationships or PDA, but my classmates got an eyeful as Harry made a show of it by dipping his hands low on my waist, practically on my ass.

I giggled against his lips, a smile now making it harder to continue our salacious and very public makeout session. We separated regretfully, but kept our arms around each other.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, playing with his baby curls on the back of his neck, his cute beanie keeping most of his hair hidden from me.

He grinned widely, "Class got cancelled, and I wanted to see you. You complained about the test you were having today, so I figured I would surprise you. How did you do?"

"Think I aced it!" I boast.

"Of course you did." He laughs, "So smart, my baby girl is."

I roll my eyes, but fail to hide what his words do to me, the faint pink on my cheeks betraying me. "When's your next class?"

"In thirty, but I'm skipping. It's just a writing day, and I've already finished my paper. When's yours?" He says, zipping up my coat for me when a particularly cold gust of wind hits us.

I bury my face into his chest, shivering, so he wraps his arms around me tighter. "Um, in like an hour and a half. I've got a long lunch break."

I lift my head up to see a dazzling smile, "Perfect! Let's go to the quad."

He intertwined our fingers and led me to the student center. I rarely ever ate lunch here, because I didn't want to spend my money when I could easily walk back home and make myself something there. It was completely crowded when Harry opened the doors, everyone seeking a little relief from the cold weather outside. He tightened his grip on my hand, so as not to lose me in the throng of people.

I noticed a few curious glances and saw some whispers around us, just as I knew there would be. Nobody expected us to be together. Some of them had surely seen us hanging out at parties, but to be holding hands in school was a bigger deal. It meant that we were seeing each other. I smiled to myself, loving the idea of people knowing that Harry was with me. I peeked a glance at him to see if he noticed the glances as well, and sure enough he was watching a few girls whispering something and one pointing at us. I rolled my eyes at their lack of tact, but smiled when Harry looked back at me and huffed out a laugh. There was a gleam in his eyes, telling me just how much he was enjoying this. He liked everyone knowing I was his.

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