"Hey, mom. So Lee is teaching me how to cook a certain dish, I can't pronounce it yet, so let's just say it's a surprise," she said.

"Good. Lee, you are here early," I said.

"What can I say, my favorite neighbor, is back," he replied.

"You know what kids, I have to go to work, you guys carry on and put mine in the fridge. Lee, take care of her." I said standing up.

"Am I allowed to take her out?" he asked.

"You might want to rephrase that, she is 13," I said and Laura's eyes widened.

"No. I meant to show her around." Lee said.

"Sure. Just be careful. Take care." I said grabbing my car keys and heading out. I drove to the Café nearby house, bought my coffee, and drove to the office. I got into the elevator but what I found on my floor was the biggest surprise that I have ever seen in my year of working here. Everybody was rushing and most people look like they haven't slept in days.

I almost bumped into Damien coming out of my office.
"What's going on?" I asked.

"Well, Ms. Brown, good that you are back. We have a bit of a problem," he said.

"A bit of a problem? This whole floor is full of people looking like zombies and you are saying it's a bit of a problem? Care to elaborate?" I asked him.

"Earlier last week, the delivery car full of this month's catalogs got hijacked and they all got burned and then two days ago, the truck that was supposed to be delivering the product to the boutiques got stolen. We don't know where it is up to date," he said.

I sighed. "That's not good. How is the police doing with the investigation to recover it?" I asked.

He avoids my gaze and looks down without saying a word.

"DAMIEN PARKER I ASKED YOU SOMETHING!" I said, maybe too loud than I expected.

"Well, Mr. Parker thought it will be better if we don't involve the police. He has a private investigator looking into it as we speak," he replied.

"So for how many days have you all been working overtime?"

"For five days now. Some six," he said.

"Goodness. At least you are getting paid so when you receive your paychecks, it will all be worth it." I said heading into my office.

"We aren't getting paid overtime, this whole mess means the company is making a huge loss so we aren't getting paid overtime. Mr. Parker already explained it to everyone," he said.

"Now that is just messed up. That's an exploitation of employees and it doesn't happen with Capricorn groups. I need to talk to Mr. Parker right now." I said.

"He is not around right now. It was he and his wife's wedding anniversary yesterday so they went on a vacation for a few days." Damien said.

Just as I was about to say something, my computer chimed, indicating that I was receiving a video call, and to make this worse, it was the boss himself, Mr. Kingman. Great! Here goes nothing.

"Good day Sir! " I said as I answered the call.

"Ms. Brown. How are you doing?"

"I am doing very well Sir, how about you?" I asked.

"Well, you are not fine, neither am I. The company is going through some problems and nobody bothered to tell me? Not even you? I thought you were one of us?" he said.

Damn you, Parker.
"Well, I apologize Sir. I thought Mr. Parker has told you about it. He is the boss here." I said.

"I haven't been able to reach Parker for days, just his assistant. Look, a Company needs two teams to function, the board, and the employees. They make the company what it is. Now, I am unable to talk to Parker, but I will talk to you. Fix it. I know you can. I didn't make a mistake when I asked you to move there. It would've been either you or I going there and leaving you and my secretary in charge of the headquarters. Now go and make it right. Just because someone is the boss doesn't mean they are never wrong." he said.

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