~The Discovery.

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Nory's mum used to say, everyone has their own peculiar something that defines them and makes them who they are. Some peoples's thing can be dancing, singing, writing, arts music, baking, sports, just name it, we all have them.

She lost her mother some months ago a short while after she turned seven and ever since then, she has lost herself and everything, although her father tries his best to give her everything she wants, she still feels sad and lonely some of the time. She pouts as she remembers her mums words before she died.

With her bouncy curled light brown hair and puckered lips, she looks down from the open window of her new room into the neighborhood she and her father just moved into.

She sees a cute ginger coloured pussycat on the lawn and her face breaks into a small smile. They stare at each other for some seconds and then just for fun, she starts to imitate the cat. When it scrunched up its nose, she does the same and when it snarls, she snarls too and immediately whiskers grew on her cheeks and eyebrows.

Her dad walks into the room with a box of toys, to inform her of something, "Hey Nory, I found—" he trailed off but was immediately cut short by what he saw. Sooner than later, he found out that Nory had fluxed into a big ginger pussy with wings. And that was how they found out that Nory could do magic.


Six years later.

Thirteen year old Nory is in her room with her best friend Reina, recording a video for her magic blog.

"Okay guys, tomorrow's the big day, after waiting for six long years, I head off to sage academy", she squeals and jumps in excitement turning the phone's camera towards a picture frame of sage academy that she's had for years as a source of inspiration.

"It's a place where super awesome magic kids like myself learn to be super awesomer and magical", she nodded.

"It could be scary, could be overwhelming", she mutters in a scared voice and widens her eyes, then huffs and discards the thought with a wave of the hand.

"No it won't because I won't be alone, I will be going with the best of Bffs, the amazing, mystifying and also magicifying, Reina Carvajal," she says and they both chuckle loudly.

"Amazing, mystifying and magicifying?", Reina laughs and raised an eyebrow at her best friends shower of accolades.

"What? I'm practicing hyping you up, Nory shrugged. "I need to let that school know they've got a superstar on their hands."

"Ugh, I'm just trying to make it out of the first semester in one piece", Reina clarifies.

"Don't worry, we're gonna be great", Nory reassures her with the wave of an hand.

"Come, show everyone how great you are without any training", Nory nudges Raina and starts videoing her. "Okay, okay ready", Reina chuckles.

"Any requests?", she asks.

"You already know what I'm gonna say", Nory nods and positions the camera well. "You're gonna say Sparkle fireballs", Reina laughs.

"Yeah, of course, that's my favourite", Nory shrugs.

"Everything I do is your favorite", Reina shakes her head and chuckles.

"Yeah, but sparkle fire balls is my favourite favourite."

"It's a good one, but it's really hard", Reina slumps her shoulders. Sighing, Nory walks towards her and pats her shoulder.

"Not for you, you're a flame throwing rockstar," Nory pumps her up.

Chuckling, they both return to position and Reina bows and puts her palms together and starts conjuring the fire from the inside of her hands, she separates them and in the middle of her hands, a medium sized fire ball floats and as soon as she releases it, it spreads and whooses as sparkles of fire fall to the ground.

"How was that", Reina asks nervously pulling her green sweater shirt down.

"Ugh it was alright",Nory shrugs deceptively to scare her friend at first.

"If you like incredibly awesome mind blowing magical powers, cause you are so good at magic, it's bananas, you're going to rock sage so hard" she then shouted on top of her voice with a huge smile on her face.

"It's we who are going to rock sage so hard, me and you". "Speaking of, it's your turn", Reina grins and takes the phone from Nory.

"Okay, give me a second let me concentrate".
"Kitten, kitten", Nory chants with determination, then stretches her arms and shoulders and fluxes into a strange animal.

Ever since she discovered her magic, she never fluxes into one complete animal, it's always a weird strange combination of different animals and it always makes her feel inferior. But magic is magic right?

"Wow, this is----different, kitten, kangaroo and beaver? Reina smiles at the strange combination of species Nory turned into. "Where did you get my pencil?" She asks when Nory's animal form begins to bite into her pencil.

Immediately, Nory turns back into her human form and pouts. "I wish I had a little more control over the wacko animals I turn into, she bites her lip and frowns.

"You're still magic, and that's what matters most", Reina smiles and calms her down.

'It's just, you just think of fire and fire appears, I think of a particular animal and I turn into a terrifying abomination", Nory sighs and shakes her head defeatedly.

"That's why we're going to Sage, they're gonna teach you to be the best abomination you can be", Reina smiles and wipes away her best friend's insecurities.

"Thanks for always knowing the right thing to say Reina, I don't know what I'll do without you you're the best", Nory laughs and pulls Reina into a big hug.

"I love you too, Nory".

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