~The Dritten

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With the evaluations and tests still going on in full swing, it was the turn of the Fuzzies to be tested.

"The sage way to evaluate fuzzies is thus, you will ask this dog a set of questions to which only we have the answers to". "Procceed", Headmaster knightslinger gave her usual mocking smile.

The kids that came in in turns were given a list of questions to ask the dog in front of them. The distinct questions range from it's name to it's hobbies ,favourite food, home town and so on.

When they ask the animal and they are able or not to get the correct answer from the animal and relay it to the judges who already have the answers, they get a placement card in return, based on how they did.

Luckily for the fuzzy school, all the applicants were perfect and exquisitely, everyone was able to give the correct answers, so the process was very quick and soon it was the turn of the flickers.

"The sage way to evaluate flickers is thus, make the vase come to you from six foot away", the headmaster's voice echoed throughout the hall and the flickers began doing what they could do best, they just opened their palms and magically, as if their hands and the vase placed on the table are iron and magnet, the vase comes to them and they hold it, then their cards are delivered to them.

The first, the second, third on and on like that, flicked wonderfully but then came savage pepper's turn to flick the vase to herself.

She looked at everywhere but the judges, tapping her foot impatiently, an indifferent look on her face.

Pissed with her non-challant attitude, the headmaster called her to order, "Miss Paloma, Miss

Ignoring her the first time with a roll of the eyes, pepper huffed decided to answer her the second. "What?", she snapped.

"The vase. You. Now", the male flicker Professor pointed at the vase that was in front of her, then smiles toothily, snapping back at her in Yoda.

"Yeah, okay", she narrowed her eyes at them, and with all the magical power she could muster, she exhales and tries at much as possible to flick the vase to her but to no avail. It ended up floating upwards and then instead of coming to her, it flicks away from her and hits the opposite wall just above the judges' head and then shatters into pieces.

The jaws of all the judges flung open and then all their files and papers rustle and scatter all over the large desk.

After recovering from the mess, the judges look closely at Pepper, and not liking the akward silence, she asks, "We good?"

"Quite", the headmaster presses her lips into a thin line and hands her the placement card she deserves.

After a while, it became the turn of the flyers to be tested, and once again, the headmasters voice echoed in the testing hall. "The sage way to evaluate flyers is to fly three feet off the ground and stay in the air for thirty seconds and land safely".

Most of the flyers excelled and sailed in the air for us much time they were asked to, and once again, they were all given respective placement cards as they left.

Then came Snobby Andreas' turn, he was the black hoodie guy with the big brown cross bag who had snobbed Nory in the spooky forest and every other person who had tried to talk to him since they arrived. In otherwords, he has not spoken a word to anybody.

Right in front of the scrutinizing eyes of the judges, he kept fondling with his cross bag and pursing his lips and fixing the bag that had nothing wrong with it again.

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