~The New Way.

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Seeing that the flares had tried and could not be of any help, the headmaster screams again for the next school to give it all they've got, "Fuzzies, we need your animal allies, summon the birds of prey!!!"

And they did, shouting "Birds of prey," and then all the birds in the forest flew towards the venue where the incident was occurring but as soon as the monster howled, the birds got scared and immediately turn back the way they had come.

"Flyers," Headmaster knightslinger screams again and the determined flyers decided they were the ones who'd stop the monster but as soon as they made to fly off the ground, their legs turned black and they were restricted to the ground. Wondering what the hell was happening, they tried harder and then the headmaster shouted with agitation and wapped her hands, "Fly harder."

"Obviously, the monster's power is forcing them back to earth, Linda," the more rational Professor Argon shouts back at the headmaster who was taking shield behind a fabric mannequinlike structure, adjacent to the stage. But still quite concerned about her pride, even in the terrible situation, she shouts back in a muffle,"Don't call me Linda in front of the students."

Ignoring the banter of the duo, Professor Han orders, "Fluxers, take your animal form." And then, the fluxers fluxed into chickens and goats and rams who did nothing but make weird sounds and stare at the monster with fear.

"Oh okay, not exactly fierce but solid effort though," Professor Han sighs with exhaustion.

Sensing it was his school's turn, the Flickers professor Lewis shouted his lungs out, "Flickers, go! go! go!", obeying their teacher, they all emerge foward and use all of their powers on the monster, making it to duplicate into four. Knowing they did nothing but complicate the issue, they backed out.

"Now there's even more of them," Professor Argon shouts with a disappointing tone.

"I'm doomed," Headmaster knightslinger cries out and then, Professor Argon states the obvious, "We've tried everything."

"No, not everything!!!," Skriff shouts as he runs forward towards the monster with the UDMs following closely behind. "There's still one school left."

"What are you gonna do Skriff? You're upside down," Headmaster knightslinger exclaims. "Yeah, and we're here to turn things the right side up," Nory counters as soon as they got to the stage.

Quickly getting to work, "Let's narrow the playing field," Pepper exclaims and others cheer her up. "That's it, turn the monster back into one again," Skriff commands her. "You got this! Yes you're doing it!" Elliot encourages her as she successfully uses her upside down flicking abilities to turn back the monster into one and everyone looked at her in awe, including the flickers professor Lewis who did nothing that helped.

"Elliot!!," Skriff calls and Elliot steps forward and starts smoking out the monster to make it loose concentration. "Yes!! Elliot," Nory shouts with a smile. "Yes, Smoke it out, it can't see through all that smoke," Skriff exclaims.

As soon as Elliot uses all the smoke he can muster and the monster finally looses concentration, Skriff shouts for Andreas to take over and he goes near it.

"Hey monster," Andreas shouts and the monster turns to look at him, "Come at me," he screams and dropped his bag to the floor. At first, like the other flyers, he was restricted to the ground but then Skriff shouted, "Come on, rocketboy", and then he eventually launched into the air, erupting a lot of gasps from those who didn't believe in the UDMs and thought they were going to fail like they had all done. "Make it chase you," Skriff added and so Andreas did, hovering around the monster and making it's vision hazy. As soon as Andreas was done with his mission, he hung in the air and screams, "Pepper now!". Hearing the call, she quickly flicks his bag to him and then he caught it and came down, erupting screams from everyone.

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