~The Attack.

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Smiling widely to herself at Chandra's appraisal, Reina looks around eagerly and suddenly, all the lights began to turn off like that night in the library during her first encounter with Chandra's black book. Scared as hell and ignorant of what was about to happen, A gust of wind started to revolve around her making everything including her hair begin to blow away. Looking warily at the strange happenings, Reina asks, "What's happening?"

Laughing sinisterly, Chandra replies, "You are."
To elaborate, she laughs again in the face of a wide-eyed Reina, "Whether you know it or not, you're accepting shadow magic into you, You're tired of hiding in the shadows when you can be the shadow. Say you're tired, say it," Chandra urges an ignorant Reina.

Thinking about how hard her life has been in sage, lonely, with no friend, not able to do what her classmates were doing until she acquired the powers of the black book, it even helped her to win the sage match and get a chance to participate in the founder's day that in a million years, she never thought she would and here Chandra is, offering her alliance and even more shadow magic. What choice did she have ?and so she shouted on top of her voice,"I'm tired." But unknown to her, Chandra was just a spirit of Shadow magic itself, and was just using her as it's host to destroy Sage Academy.
"Then wake up," Chandra smiles and all the lights snapped off.


Nory who was just done with dinner decided to go check up on her bestfriend, considering the fact that their last meet up didn't end on a very good note.

She walks into the school and found the flares, Reina's classmates, still by the classroom, talking and making fireworks. She hurriedly walked over to them and says, "Hey sparkplugs, Any of you seen Reina?".

Turning back and narrowing her eyes, a girl answers with a sneer,"Well if it isn't the UDM who turned into a monster and almost destroyed the founder's hall".

Not in the mood to take insults, Nory frowns and says in an eerie voice,"Then I was in a good mood and now I'm in a bad mood."

Frightened, the girl quickly answers, pointing to the opposite, in the direction of the hall, "She went that way". And having gotten what she wanted, Nory smiles and walks to the hall. As she got to the staircase before the hall, she noticed that all the lights illuminating the passage were fluttering off and on. Looking around cautiously for what that was about, she walks in the hall, to find out by herself.

Meanwhile, Chandra's spirit had entered Reina's body and made Reina herself domant. "We are awake," The spirit in Reina's body spoke, clenching her fists tightly and it sounded as though, two people were speaking. There and then, Nory pushes the hall's door open and walks in. "Reina," She shouted and Reina turned back and roared, "We are not Reina, we are the thing that has been waiting all these years."

Instantly, with her big black eyeballs, black bags under her eye, and the thick eerie voice, Nory immediately knew that wasn't Reina her best friend and then her mind wavered to the story the headmaster told them about the dark forces of magic that need a human host to work and then her brain clicked that shadow magic was awake again and Reina was it's host and that's why it's in Reina's body.

"Shadow magic," Nory frowned. "So, you don't only prey on UDMs?"

"Of course not," It answered. "But soon, we will prey on everyone and bring this entire school to it's knees, But for now, we will start with you," It roared and starting conjuring fire in it's palms, preparing to attack Body.

"Reina, I'm gonna save you, I promise," Nory assured with teary eyes as she took steps backwards."We do not need saving", it said and got ready to fire but before it could throw the spark ball, a scared to death Nory ran out of the door and the monster in Reina smiles ominously at her retreating figure.

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