~The Regret.

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Giving out a small laugh, Andreas steps out from behind the tree to face a neutral faced Skriff. "Sorry uhm...you?", he asked again to make sure heard right. Harmonizing in Andreas' opinion, Elliot stands up from his seat and steps forward too, "I mean, you're good at raking and letting us chew gum in class..but..."Yeah", Nory cut in, "but what can you teach us about magic," she shrugs and smiles mockingly.

Sighing, Skriff answers their questions, "You know what? Valid concerns, all of those. But let me show you something," he nods, taking a step back and getting on his knees, he began to sing in an very awesome voice, "Calling all creatures, feathered, furry, fluffy, fuzzy". And immediately birds turtles, porcupines, and other different forest creatures began to come towards him and settle on his shoulders, knees and every part of his body and those that couldn't get space stayed on the floor beside him and then the kids began to look confused at the scene before them.

"They all wanna meet ya, Now we're talking, chirping, squawking, you know I can teach ya and now you all know whyyyy", he sings and ends his song with a wide smile.

Realizing, they all had surprised looks on their faces and Elliot was the first to get his tongue back from the cat, "Wait, you're a fuzzy?", he asks, taking a look at the other kids who had widened eyes and surprised smiles on their faces.

"Uh, correction," Skriff says, still on his knees, with his indexes up, "I'm an upside down Fuzzy".
To clear all the confusion they might still be battling with, he says to them"Check it out," And then turns to the bird on his shoulder saying,"Hey dude, get off my shoulder." The bird never moved, still chirping and looking all around. And then he sang in a melodious tone, "Hey dude, get of my shoulder, now it's time to flyyyyyyy," and as soon as he finished singing, they bed hastily flies away and the kids look at Skriff, nodding in awe.

"Look, the sage way to be a fuzzy does not involve dope jams, but it is my way to be a fuzzy and if I say so myself, it is dynamite," He smiles.

"So, your magic didn't fade after a year," Nory asks curiously.

Understanding her concern, Skriff calms her down, "Wait, let me explain. See, I came to Sage as an orphan and knowing I had no one to go home to, sage let me stay on and groundskeep and eventually, they let me teach the UDMs, because you know, it takes a weirdo to teach a weirdo, no offense weirdos," He explains.

"None taken", Pepper who had stayed back and said nothing eventually steps out, "But you didn't answer Nory's question.

Smiling, Nory raises her palms towards Pepper, "Up high". And then they give each other an high five. Infruitated, Elliot who never did enough to score an approval point from pepper whines, "Come on she gets one?",then punches the air.

"Let's just say, I managed to continue practicing my magic on the sly, it keeps me from loosing what few marbles I got left," He finally answers.
"Anyway", he clapped, "You guys head back to the bunks, chill out and get some rest. Tomorrow, we get to work," he urges them with a smile which they returned eagerly.

Heading back to the bunkers, Pepper and Elliot who were still very much elated at the good news they recently heard, leaded the group and walked ahead as fast as they could unlike Nory and Andreas who were walking slowly and lagging behind and thinking about utterly different things. Andreas snaps out of his own thoughts and looks towards Nory who still seemed lost.

"Hey, you okay?", he walks towards her and asks out of concern. Quickly ready to open up, she steps towards him and started, "Today started awful and then it got way better, But....... "

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