Chapter 11

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UwU writing again the next day ish  because I'm feeling inspired seeing how many views this has even if it's only on the first couple chapters :)

Izuku POV

As we sat there peering over the corner I faintly heard something behind me. I thought it was todoroki, until I heard a unfamiliar voice.

"Shoto?" The voice says out of the blue I jump and fall with a oof. Ouch but not really I get up quickly and look from where the voice came from. Only to see someone with pure white hair that kinda resembled todorokis left side? Wait I'm confused. How many siblings does todo have exactly?

"Oh hi Nastuo" todo says standing up straight. "Izuku are you ok?" He asks. I get up and dust my pants a little.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine haha just a little startled is all" I mumble nervous to see a new face the similarity between the two is kinda of.... odd? I don't know maybe it's because I've never had any siblings. But seeing them both next to each other with the same questioning expression is kinda funny in some odd way. I chuckle quietly as I see them talk to each other.

"Oh yeah, Izuku this is my older brother Nastuo Todoroki , Nastuo this is Izuku Midoriya my friend that's sleeping over." Todo says gesturing towards us. I give a little awkward wave and a small smile. I'm not usually good with new people hell the only reason I'm friends with todo is because I ran into him while writing whatever hero analysis I was writing. It was all coincidence which I'm glad happened but still. Off topic. Meeting a new human right.

"Sorry if I startled you earlier haha I swear I didn't mean to but my curiosity got better of me" Nastuo reaches his hand out to me. I take it shaking it slightly rubbing the back of my neck with my free hand sheepishly.

"Haha it's fine I shouldn't of been startled so easily" I say laughing a bit because, I'm awkward duh.

(I saw this has 669 views I legit wheezed for some odd reason)

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