Chapter 18(??)

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Izuku POV
A small time skip

Before we know it we're at Kacchan's house. Two cars in the drive way I can tell both his parents are home. Two parents, like a normal family.... something I'll never have I guess.

We walk in and Kacchan yells "I BROUGHT THE MEAT SACK YOU FAVOR OVER YOUR OWN SON YOU OLD HAG." I rethink his raging voice. I realize what he said and laugh thinking of what I'll say when Mitsuki comes in to greet us.


She walks in and I just. "I am the meat sack you favor over your son, great choice by the way" I smile sweetly as I say it. It takes Kacchan a minute to process the second part then I swear I saw steam from his ears. His scowl sharpens and he look- well hilarious.

I laugh while he holds his fist up threatening me and I continue to laugh. He grabs me by my shoulders and shakes me as if to get my laughs out so he can beat me.

"I-I I'm sorry i-it's just pfffft- there are no lies in what I said— technically I- I am a meat sack and parents w-will always like me pfffft-" I see mitsuki in the corner of my eye chuckle a bit and Kacchan seems even more mad. But he contains his anger.

"I'll get you pretty and you little dog too." He says in the most angriest/serious voice ever and I start laughing my ass off holding my stomach bending over. I've never heard someone say something so angry but funny at the same time. He sighs and I see him smile a bit my laughs become smaller until there gone completely.

I now stood back up not bending over anymore and Kacchan bonks my head a bit. I cough a bit to clear my throat.

"Good afternoon Auntie" I say smiling she smiles back and pats my head.

"Good afternoon meatsack" I snort a bit covering my mouth and she smiles I guess it'll be a nickname now and I'm fine with that.

I take off my shoes to actually go into the house and Kacchan does the same. Mitsuki walks off to the kitchen saying dinner will be ready in a hour or so. I say a loud ok and thank you so she hears me.

Then I peek into the living room seeing Masaru he hears me and looks up from the newspaper he always seems to be reading. I smile and wave knowing he's a man of few words. He smiles and waves back and I go back to following Kacchan to his room.

He doesn't show it but he was walking slower so he didn't leave me. I smile warmly. He doesn't show it he's kind just in smaller ways then others think. In a way it was sweet but it'll lead to a lot of misunderstanding if your one to assume a lot very quickly.

Anyway we get to his room and I put my stuff down. He lets out a huff and I turn towards him confused.

"I'm going fucking shower I smell like that shitty school." He says in a slightly angers voice but he's always like that so I don't worry too much about it and just nod. Then he left the room so I just sighed and sit on the floor leaning on the bed closing my eyes. Being alone makes me think and that's not very good. I don't like it one bit. I open my eyes and look around.

The room is a simple one it's cool honestly. Rock posters around the room along with all Might merchandise along with posters but only a few unlike me he outgrew all the all might stuff but I still know he really admires all might to this day I smile slightly till I see something sharp, scissors... I don't know why but it makes me think back to the time where I tried to see how sharp my scissors where and for some odd reason tried it on the palm of my hand.. todo took them away from me and I haven't seen them since but that memory leads to another.

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