Chapter 9

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3rd POV (or author POV UwU )
The boy named Izuku had completely forgot about most likely being taken into the foster system. He was discharged from the hospital a week later from when Todoroki had visited him.

He was, happy?

Todoroki had visited him every day after school, bringing homework Izuku had missed. It's like his mom didn't die. But only during the night, could you hear the most heart wrenching sobs escape from the boys room. Truly hear breaking to hear the young teen mourn for his moms death. It's like when he was around his friend. All his worries disappeared. He was, dare I say, stable.
Izuku POV (thank god)
I was discharged yesterday. It's kinda weird going home. Theres something morbid about the thought that mom will never be in this house again. How I'll never get to smell breakfast after waking up. Saying good morning to my mom. I still don't know why she cooked breakfast every morning even though she was tired and would always complain about it later.

But something happened when I came home. Like a switch flipped? I just felt numb. It was normal I was use to it. But there was something different this time. Like I accepted something. I dont know I don't really have time to think about it. I have to pack.

Yes pack, I'm sleeping a todorokis today. He insisted since it was my first time outside that hospital. I shiver at the thought. I never wanna be in a hospital that long ever again. It's just so, sickening to be there. The smell of what I can assume death and disinfectant. I hated it.

Anyway I sigh. It's bittersweet to be home. Or what use to be my home. I don't think I'll be here for a while. I slowly take my shoes off near the door and make my way upstairs.

I open my room door. Everything normal. Although a thin small layer of dust had settled on my room. Everything looks the same as I left it yet. There was no cozy feeling like I use to feel every time entered this house. I quickly disburse the thought. Todo is waiting for me outside. No doubt I've burdened him enough.

I grab a random duffle bag I had in my closet and pack my clothes. I packed extra just encase, then went into the bathroom and got my other necessities and other stuff. Including my phone and charger etc. etc. I swiftly close the bag and look around. Feeling numb, it's like I didn't know how to act. Which was true honestly. I don't really know what to do. There's no purpose in life. I mean I want to become a hero but, I wanted to do it with my mom. I tear up a bit. My breath quickening. It feels like my throat is closing up. My vision blurred. My heart thumping louder and louder. Thoughts going through my head but leaving as soon as it came.


I need to cut. I need to calm down. I try to find my way to the bathroom without bumping into anything since my vision was blurred. I slam (yeet) myself on the sink opening the mirror going through the cabinet. Seeing a small but noticeable box.

*cutting warning please don't read if triggered easily⚠️ I'll tell you when it ends I swear your not missing anything*

Tweezer-man the box says. The name brand I quickly open it to see razor blades. In little paper folds. Each individually folded in a piece of paper. I quickly take one out not caring if some fall out. I need this. It will help. I take off my long sleeve shirt. Not wanting it to stain throwing it off somewhere. I open the little flaps of paper not wanting to rip it for some reason. And then I see it. A silver thin blade a little flimsy but sharp edges.

I look at my wrist. Stained with scars. I remember when my mom asked to see my arms. I was so ashamed. Tears stream down my face. I had stopped after that. She didn't flip her shit but still.

One cut
I'm such a freak
I'm pathetic
It should've been me
I'm useless
I'm quirkless
There's no reason for me to be here
I should just die
No one cares about me
I'm a burden
I'm sorry

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