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Enjoy me not neglecting this book :) (I say as this sits in drafts for a long time)

Izuku POV

As I greeted auntie and Masaru I told them I'd just be going shower and sleep since I wasn't hungry. I ate lunch anyway and I'm tired. Well emotionally drained is more accurate.

I flop onto my futon and groan in drained. I turn my head so I don't suffocate into the pillow and lazily scroll through the toxicity of Twitter. Stantwt had to of been the most toxic by not that much. Twitter in general just makes me regret having faith in humanity.

I chuckle, ah yes faith in humanity, peace and love should come first of course. People have morals, well I'd what I say if my mom wasn't dead, after getting let out of the hospital it was a surreal feeling. Having someone so close and important to me die is a hard concept to grasp but also easy too. It's hard to explain, the heartbreak and sadness is overwhelming. The regret of things being left unsaid for the rest of your life, possibly longer. I guess it gives you a perspective on life as a whole.

Walking around town realizing anyone you see could have lost everything yet could still be smiling, all the things that could happen to anyone. It's morbid and not something most think about, it's almost like looking out into a void of endless possibilities. How much trauma can you gain in a lifetime? Why does our generation measure our trauma? To brag on how much we've had to suffer? Or is it clausure? Maybe both I mean it's not like I would know. Im no one special, just another person who's suffered just like everyone else.

But for fuck sake would it kill people to shut the fuck up sometimes. The way some people have talked to me as if they understand my pain even though they've never lost anything astounds me, I just think some people are idiots. Although that's kinda mean, then again not really I could tell them to their face.. Doubt I'd get the chance but oh well, it would be kinda funny. I giggle quietly turning off my phone and drift off to sleep. Still contemplating life of course.

Time skip, apologies for projecting on Izuku but at the same time it is how he thinks now since he lost his mom yk I just imagine his trauma is worse then mine cuz I only lost my dad 😎 Also it's the next day and he's in school ahaha

I crack my neck while walking to meet todo by the vending machines. They kinda suck though because it's just water. Yeah actually they suck ass.

"Hey todo," I say walking up to him. He looks up at me and greets me and we start walking to the library. We've experimented what we like to do most during lunch wether it was actually going to the cafeteria/sitting outside etc, and we decided going to the library was nicest since we both don't talk a lot. Some days I notice todo is more talkative when his fathers one business trips. I don't really like to push on his home life unless his fathers 'training' leave todo with noticeable bruises. I always have the strong urge to just report his father because he's literally abusing his child, I've done all the research and have all the evidence all I'm waiting for is for todo to give the ok.

At the same time though, where would his siblings and him go? I mean fuyumi is only 16 (made her younger) they wouldn't be able to rent a place till she's old enough, that's only expecting she'll be financially stable enough to get at least a 2 bedroom. Of course fuyumi is smart and probably has saved a lot of her money, but there's always a chance she can't for some unknown reason.

"Izuku?" I hear todo question. I raise my head to look towards him.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Ah nothing you've just been staring at the same book for like half of lunch.." he says his eyes showing a hint of worry. I look down at the book. When did I even pick this up???? I put it back on the shelf.

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