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A/N I have a feeling this will be absolute T R A S H this is the one and only warning for this chapter oh and cussing and steamy scenes not full on smut though. Hey um if you've seen vampire dairies you'd know how they are when their feeding that's how Dean looks. Now story Time....... Word Count ~~> 855

//Dean's POV//

I was starving. I could feel my blood lust grow more and more from this innocent man in front of me. Well you all probably know that he's not human. Unfortunately I didn't know that when I was picking up a snack. Anyways I could hear his heartbeat going faster and faster every time I looked at his neck.

This guy probably thought I was really fucking weird. "Castiel was it?" I asked. This time looking into his eyes they were a dull blue but you could stare into them all day.
"Yes and yours is?" Cass looked nervous, very nervous.
"Dean." I replied. "So what's a handsome guy like you doing all alone in a bar?"
"Erm uh hunting?" It came out like he was questioning himself. I decided to just shrug it off.
"Cool sounds fun." I said looking at my beer in my hand.

"What no it's terrible I only do it because I promised someone that I'd watch over his little brother." Cass said in a very monotone voice.
"Who'd you promise this too?" I became very suspicious. I don't remember too many things from when I was human. Only that I made someone promise to protect Sammy at all costs, oh and I remember Sammy vividly.

"Oh that doesn't matter." Castiel was tearing up while looking at the floor.
"Hey hey." I started patting his back. "Don't cry." I hoped I smiled reassuringly.
"Oh yea t-thanks." Castiel wiped his eyes.
"Wanna get out of here?" I asked.
"Yea thank you." The oblivious man answered.

We began walking out the front door. When we walked out I pinned Castiel to the wall of the alleyway. My fangs went to his neck. I started drinking it was sweet and addicting. I realized he was whimpering. I started adding kisses all over his neck. I suddenly stopped feeling threatened.

Cass called out to someone. "Got him!" My eyes widened when I saw you it was. It was Sam. I hadn't seen him since before I turned which was about, well I was fifteen and now I'm twenty so around five years ago. Sam tackled me and I could hear Castiel's voice
"You asked me what I was hunting. A local vampire or in other words, you." I began panicking looking around trying to find a way to save myself, then a lightbulb went off in my head.

I saw a way to put some distance between us. I was suddenly behind Sam with my fangs showing close to his neck.
"You wouldn't harm your own brother now would you?" Sam asked.
"I think if you don't let me escape that's what's going to happen." I moved closer to Sam's neck. Now I was breathing on his neck.
"Then why don't you? You obviously have the upper hand." Cass replied.

"You're right but I want you to feel like you failed at your task." I smirked and bit down on the neck in front of me. I heard Castiel whimper again. Meaning he swapped the places with Sam. I sucked harder, earning a moan from the man below me. With the flap of wings we vanished.

Castiel turned around when I stopped. He looked normal. Like I didn't just suck the living daylights out of his neck. I looked confused then saw where we were. An exorcism room. I looked at the man next to me giving him a very confused look. He just sighed and walked out of the room locking the door as he left.

I knew I was going to die this wasn't going to pan out. I started panicking again, I started hyperventilating, and I started crying. I didn't want to die I was just hungry. It's not my fault I turned I didn't mean too. I had no control over what happened. My vision was clouded with tears, when Cass walked in. I didn't even notice it either not until he was patting my back.

He put my head in the crook of his neck. I wanted to so badly just to drink a little bit. I knew I shouldn't so I didn't no matter how much I wanted to it.
Cass whispered in my ear. "You can if you want." I showed my fangs, and then sunk them into Cass.

Whimpers and moans filled the room, as I kept sucking. I stopped for a moment. My hot, warm breath breathing on Cass. I heard Cass whisper, something. I couldn't hear him though. I just nodded. Then next thing I knew his lips were on my neck, peppering kisses.

A moan escaped my mouth. I was now in his lap with his lips on my neck sucking, licking, & kissing.

A/N Part two later folks!

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