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A/N Sorry if it trash its my first Destiel FanFic, and oneshot book. The word count ~~> 567

//Narrator's POV//

"Dean. What's a ship?" The innocent Angel asked.
"Really?" Dean sighed. "Well I mean there's two definitions but mainly, it's a boat."
"Then why do other people want us to be a boat?" Cass wondered aloud. Sam started laughing at the desk, where he was working on a case. Dean froze for a minute.

"What do you mean Cass? I don't understand." Dean said with a deadpan expression. Hoping the innocent angel was just joking, but the odds weren't in his favor.
"Well people on the computer say they ship us. I was wondering if you could clear it up for me." Cass said still confused onto why people want him and dean to be a boat.

"Hahahahahahaha." Sam fell out of his chair laughing. He was having trouble with breathing because he couldn't stop laughing. Dean walked up to his brother and slapped him playfully repeatedly shouting, "Sam this isn't funny!" until Sam could breathe again.

"How would you like it if I shipped you with Gabriel?" Dean asked still upset at people online. Sam turned a bright red. Like a Christmas red.
"Ah so you like him." Dean smirked knowing the things he could stop Sam from doing with this tidbit of information.

"W-what I s-so do not l-like G-Gabe." Sam turned away back to his computer.
"Come h-here Cass." Sam stuttered again. Castiel turned a vibrant red as well, once he looked at the lab top. He put the Christmas red plaid shirt Dean was wearing to shame.
"Why are you two twinning?" Dean joked walking over to the two boys. And saw what Sam showed the angel. Some Destiel Fanart on tumblr made by: 1-Sammy-Winchester-Bitches-18.

"Oh. Sam your dead." Dean smirked showing Sam his phone. It had a video of Sam and Gabriel getting it on. "It's going viral." Dean said as he posted the video with the caption: #SabrielIsReal. Sam knew just then how dead he was going to be. Sam's phone started to get blown up by Charlie and Sabriel um erm... I mean Gabriel.

"How d-did you get t-that?" Sam asked covering his tomato face.
"I'm a protective big brother who's job is literally to research things. And kill them." He whispered the last part.

"Sam, Dean. Neither of you have answered my question. What's a ship?" Castiel sighed annoyed. "Also Dean your not allowed to kill my brother." Cass sighed again but this time less annoyed. He understood his brother was very much a jerk.

"A ship is where people want 2 or 3 people to date. Cass I'm not sure why people do such a thing but they do." Dean sighed throwing himself on his bed. But he himself knew because lots of people were fans of these sort of endeavors. In fact he was a Destiel shipper himself even though he wouldn't dare say that aloud.

"Oh." Cass walked over to Dean and whispered in his ear. "Then let's give them what they want." And hovered his lips over Dean's. Dean closed the gap.

Sam jokingly yelled. "Ew guys I don't want to see that get a room."

A/N this first one was short so sorry. Not used to doing not a full regular book.

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