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Christina and I walked in the party and it was filled with tons of people surrounded in the pit. I get a smell of alcohol and sweat.

Disgusting, "Will" Christina screaming leaving me alone. "Wait Christina" I screamed back but she was out of ear reach.

And that's why I don't go to parties with Christina. I roll my eyes and go up to the front of the party to get a drink.

A waist sneaks around my waist scaring the crap out of me. I turned around to punch whoever the fuck it was and lowered my hand when I saw it was Eric.

He held his arm up in Defense, "you scared the crap out of me" I playfully hit him.

He laughed and gave me a kiss on the check.

I happily accepted a drink from his hand and putting on the counter before grabbing his hand and taking him to the dance floor. 

he groaned and stood there being his stubborn self. I rolled my eyes and continued dancing. 

I tried to get him to dance but it was no use, I finally give up and walk back to the place we were in. 

I picked up my drink ready to take a sip but someone slapped it out of my hand. 

I turn around angry ready to give his man a piece of  my mind. 

"don't you know never to drink drinks you leave around a party" 

I frowned, "My friends were looking after it" "oh really?" 

he crossed his arms and look over to see Christina and Will dancing. 

I mentally groaned, "Who are you anyway?" 

he smiled and stuck out his hand "I'm Ace Black" 

I snorted at the sound of his name, that's such a name you'll read in a book!

I shook his hand back. I turn back to the dance floor to look for Eric but he was gone. 

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around until I saw him chilling in a corner. 

"I'll be back" I said to Ace and walked off to Eric. "hey" I said swiping my hand into his. 

"Hi" he mumbled back, "Alright, what's wrong?" he pouted and turn away. 

he is such a big baby. "Ericccc" I dragged out his name. 

"Go ask Ace" 



"Jealous?" I smirked and he turn back to me. grabbing my waist pulling me closer to him. 

"Maybe a little" I giggled and stood on my tippy toes to give him a kiss and he immediately kissed me back. 

I pulled back, "Can I please skip training tomorrow?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. he looked at me and smiled. 

"no" I frowned and he smirked, "hey I'm gonna head back to my apartment since we have to be up earlier than you guys, you wanna come?" 

"I think I'm gonna stay here and experience my first party" he nodded his head and kissed my head and walked away. 

I walked back to the table to pour another drink since Mr. Meainehead slapped my drink out of my hand.

"That's more of a wiser choice" I rolled my eyes, this man is annoying. 

"Go away you made my boyfriend jealous" he looked surprised and laughed. 

"Oh that's right you're the chick dating Eric" I cocked my head, how the hell did he know that. 

"Everyone knows that you are dating Eric, he is the biggest, meanest, baddest wolf in Dauntless" 

I gave him a confused face not following, I mean I know he is a bit harsh but I don't think he'll do anything really bad. 

he clapped his hands in my face making snap back into reality. 

"You knowwhat divergents are?" his question caught me off guard but I nodded my head. 

"He kills divergents" 


I tossed and turn in my bed thinking about what ace said to me, I know Max and Jeanie killed divergents? but Eric? he never said he killed divergents.   

oh. my. god. 

I shot up from my bed. 

Eric knows I'm divergent, what if he is planning something? what if he is playing me to get close to me and kills me. 

I need to get out of here. I quickly changed not caring about making noise.

I run out of the dormitory down a bunch of stairs and walk outside, I was just about to leave Dauntless until a loud siren went off and a big light shinned on my face. "STOP RIGHT THERE" a loud voice boomed. 

then all hell broke loose. 

Until death do us apart ➪ 𝔼𝕣𝕚𝕔 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕖𝕣 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt