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It's been about a week since the whole situation let me catch you up to speed.

Pretty much Brandon was punished for two months. I apparently need a bodyguard on my side every second of day

That was either Eric or Four. I sat in the cafeteria near Christina, Will, Eric, and four

I got up from the table, "where are you going?" Asked Eric and four in unison

"I have to pee" I said rolling my eyes. "Let me go with you I'll stand outside the bathroom and make sure no one-"

I cut him off. "Eric the bathroom is in the same room, I will be just fine" four and Eric both nodded.

"my hero's" I said and chucked. I walked to bathroom and did my business. I stood in front of mirror and looked at my face.

The bruises were fading but still there was the cut in my lip.

I sighed and walked back into the cafeteria sitting down.

"Okay everyone listen up" Max boomed throughout the cafeteria. "The 2nd stage will continuing running for our initiates" he walked away.

I groaned putting my head in my hands. I knew I had new fears which meant doing them over and over again until I do it the way dauntless would.

"Hey, I'm gonna help you" Eric said. I smiled and nodded my head.

Everything is gonna be fine.

Eric is gonna help me.

What could go wrong?

I sat in the metal chair shifting uncomfortable.

"Stop doing that" Eric said.

I immediately stop moving.

"Sorry I mumbled"



He plunged the needle in my neck. I winced a little and soon darkness took over.

I woke up and realized I was tied to a chair. "You got away last time, this time you won't" I saw Brandon with a gun.

"Goodbye stiff"

The next thing I knew was I was hanging on the side is chasem, Jeanine came towering over me.

"Why didn't you tell you were a divergent" she sneered and push my hands off so I was falling.

I woke up gasping for air.

I woke up with Eric and he soften his cold hard eyes.

"They can't hurt you again" he said. "I will never let them hurt you, I promise"

I smiled.

Brandon and Jeanine scare me a lot, they officially scare me. After Brandon kidnapped me and Jeanine also kidnapped me I'm in fear for my life.

I got up from the metal chair and walked to the pit and sat with the rest of group. "Today we will doing more gun practicing" four said to all of us.

I groaned falling back onto the mat. Gun practice is the absolute worst, I mean I'm good at it but it doesn't mean that I like doing it.

"Everyone up" Eric said. They all listen of course because they are scared of him but me of course I'm cool as a cucumber

I'm still sitting down smirking at him and the rest of group. "Jordan" eric said, he pointed a finger at me. The rest of the group whispering to themselves

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the mat and walked with the rest of the group outside

We walked to the shooting range. And I picked up a gun, and started practicing.

Damn I thought.

I haven't made a shot one time, I'm having a really off day. I went for another shot when it ricocheted back almost hitting peter.

"Hey what the hell" Peter said throwing his gun down and standing up. "I'm sorry it was accident" I said facing him.

"You're so accident prone, I don't even know how you passed the first stage. Oh let me guess. Eric forged it for you" that tears it.

I tackled him to the ground and he flipped me over about to throw a punch when he was ripped off of me.

I stood up going to tackle him again. When someone pulled me back. "Jordan relax" I ripped out of the grip and walked back him angry.

"How dare you say those things about me. I worked my ass off to pass the first stage, It was so hard. But I made it with no one's help"

"Every fucking morning before the crack of dawn I was up in the pit working my ass off to try and make it"

"And I did"

"So no Eric didn't forged anything, I did it all by my damn self"

I hate peter with every bone in my damn body

Until death do us apart ➪ 𝔼𝕣𝕚𝕔 ℂ𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now