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Death. It's a mysterious thing to experience. You're seeing the world in bright, beaming colours and the next, everything is black. Quiet. Like being locked in your room and hiding under the bed on a rainy night. You can't see anything apart from the light under your door and the moon out your window, the life beyond your room. The bustling lives people are having without you near. The animals living in trash cans and forests making the most of their short, usually uneventful lives.

I know. What a starter from a dead kid? It's odd, isn't it? Talking to the dead through a children's entertainment robot? A 14-year-old at that? How in gods name did I even fit in the smallest one? You know, that dog that you're talking to me through? I couldn't tell you. What I could tell you, however, is how I got here.

I was just about to leave. The robots were creeping me out. They constantly do. I can't even fathom how the younger kids see these guys as animated characters come to life. They're clearly robots. At least, to the older kids they are. I was walking out the door behind my parents when someone stopped me. My parents hadn't noticed. They kept walking. The person was dressed in red. They had said something along the lines of "don't you want to redeem your arcade points for prizes? Every good kid deserves prizes!" or some other marketing bullshit.

I decided to. My parents were long gone in the sea of cars out the front anyway. This wasn't the first time they had forgotten me. It happened a lot. I was planned sure, but dad wanted out. Mom didn't. Now, most of the time they just fight about her alcohol problems and his work issues. They forget about me. I'm just a crumb on the radar of their responsibilities. Maybe this worker could give me company?

I had followed them to the price counter in the arcade and we actually got some nice stuff for me. All the items were unique from one another, like a few hard candies shaped like the band, a notepad and some pens, even a small plushie of Toby! I have to admit, the dog was starting to grow on me after seeing his almost face everywhere.

Anyway, my eyes must've lit up at the sight of the plush in my arms or something which caused the worked to ask if I wanted to meet him. I chose yes again. The worker excitedly led me backstage. Their next words haunted me. Something was off. I remember it vividly.

"Toby is going to be so happy! He doesn't get many visitors. Especially not after hours. You must really like him!"
"Well," I responded. "I thought he was one of the main characters though? Wouldn't lots of kids like to meet him?"
"Sadly not. Some of the kids get teased for liking him since he's the only boy. The kids that do like him get called surface level and basic because Toby is always in the centre of attention with Hook, Bonita and Daisy and if you like him, you must've just been pulling the first name you could remember that wasn't Daisy's just to seem cool."

It... made sense. A lot of sense, actually! God, 12-year-olds are an absolute menace to society.

"That makes sense actually. God, he must be lonely then, huh?"
"Yeah. Terribly lonely. Everyone wants to see his friends more. Especially Hook and Daisy."
"Oh yeah?"

The rest was a blur. I just remember getting to my- Toby's party room and seeing him sadly sitting on the stage. He looked deactivated, actually. Her eyes weren't glowing. The worker guided me over and I noticed that the dog's head had been taken off and she had no shirt on. Gross- I guess that part was understandable though since her chest was open. It was still gross though-

Next thing I remember was me dropping my bag of stuff and the plush and being roughly shoved into the chest cavity, my head poking up through the neck hole of the suit shortly after. The last words I heard before my throat was impaled with what I think was a metal rod was 'go to sleep, little one. Tomorrow you will drum in the limelight." Oh god. I thought. I've fucked up- I never should have said yes.

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