Final Message

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(This message was written and posted on my Wattpad page and both official postings of Fazbear Entertainment's New Apprentice which can be found on Wattpad and AO3 on the 27th of March, 2023.)

Hi everyone! I know it's been a hot minute since I've been here. 3 years without a fic update flies by, doesn't it? I thought I'd just come on here and make a few announcements. Firstly, I'm extremely sorry for my absence. I know I've tried making a few comebacks but those haven't turned out amazing. Secondly, I've started my first year of university and I'm getting back into writing fanfic more as an escape from how stressful it's starting to get. For those who may follow me on AO3, you'll notice I've done a few short stories, but nothing major and nothing FNAF related. I'm hoping that with the revival of my writing that I'll be able to revive some old classics, including my pride and joy, Fazbear Entertainment's New Apprentice, or FENA (which is how I'll be referring to it as for the rest of this announcement). I'm hoping to rewrite the entirety of FENA before moving on to new chapters. How that'll work on both platforms is that the original will be archived (by this I mean that I will mark it as completed but put a notice in the description saying that the fic is closed and once it is live, will provide a link to the updated version for that platform). The new edition (which will be titled something along the lines of FENA: Revised Edition) will be posted with both updated and new chapters and with updates to the chapter-specific artwork, including my new watermark and possibly even redraws if I feel inspired to and if I have the time to do so between art commissions, university and the long job rewriting FENA will be.

When I first wrote FENA, I only went in with a brief idea for my plot and some key details I wanted to add such as the representation present in the main characters of the story. Looking back, the way I represented some of these characters seems almost like stereotypes or caricatures of what I wanted to show which is extremely far from what I wanted or hoped would happen. This is another reason I want to rewrite it. I want the representation I did my best to include to be shown more naturally and realistically as opposed to how I represented them in the original, such as Bonita's dialogue being fed through a "translator" to make it so that her words were written similarly to how a Spanish accent sounds (which looking back was completely unnecessary and will not be included in the rewrite) and how Jamie being nonbinary was presented in a very distasteful way by almost shoving it down the readers' throat in some places along with also misgendering them with incorrect pronouns in some areas. As a nonbinary person myself who hadn't discovered my identity before and during the writing of this fic originally, I'm glad my younger self tried to include others but the way I did it wasn't supportive and looking back, leaves a foul taste in my mouth. I hope that with my rewrite I'm able to include those I possibly excluded with the original and that I'm able to rewrite FENA in a way that is true to those it tries to represent but also true to the heart of the original story without hurting anyone in the process.

Before I start rewriting FENA, I'll be writing down the full storyline before working on chapters so that I'm able to properly write the story without being unsure of the details of what comes next as when I first started, I only had the idea of a modern-day FNAF story with spooky undertones and a fun mystery to it. What I failed to remember was that to have proper mystery, I needed proper planning. So from here forward, you guys can rest knowing that the new version of FENA will be a fully laid out story, not just some ideas smashed together with a basic plot holding it together.

I hope that everyone who enjoyed FENA before will be able to enjoy the new FENA and that new readers will be able to enjoy the story as well. If anyone has any suggestions on how I can improve the original, please let me know. As much as I can research and educate myself on the cultures of others, at the end of the day I am just a white, Australian transmasc and I will never be able to fully grasp every culture perfectly so all criticism of the original FENA is highly welcome as when I first started writing it in 2020, I went into it with only my knowledge of the FNAF timeline as a fan from 2014 to present day and no research on the diverse cast I tried my best to represent. I would love to hear any thoughts and concerns, so please don't be shy. All I ask is that you be kind with your words and constructively give your criticisms as at the end of the day, hate will get us nowhere.

As of the time I am writing this, on the 27th of March in 2023, FENA is ranked number 51 in the tag "5naf" and number 49 in the tag "5nightsatfreddys" on Wattpad. FENA has amassed a total of 1000 reads on Wattpad and 497 hits on AO3, having over 24.5k words in the span of the 3 months it was updated (17th of May 2020 to August 8th 2020). FENA ended with 16 chapters published, each with original artwork, and an unfinished 17th chapter titled "Oink goes the pig, aaa goes the child" written on November 2nd of 2020 in my Wattpad drafts. I am so incredibly proud of 15-year-old me for accomplishing that all on my own and I hope my rewrite of FENA can do the original some justice whilst also being a breath of fresh air. 

A quick side note, I am aware that the username 'readerchan69' can be a bit weird and it leaves a weird taste in my mouth thinking that at the time of creating my Wattpad and AO3 accounts that I thought that was an ok username to have despite me not being Japanese in the slightest and not making the user out of appreciation for the culture or language, purely just as a 'quirky' sex joke. I am in the process of thinking of a new pen name for myself so until then my accounts on Wattled and AO3 will continue to stay as is until a new name is decided on. I do have a Tumblr blog that I made recently to showcase fanfic and my university work amongst other things, so the name of that blog may become my name here. However, I am unsure about this decision at the moment. When I choose to either integrate Tumblr with my Wattpad and AO3 or not, an announcement will be made on my Wattpad account and AO3 will be a 'silent change' as I have no means of announcing things other than via a new fic on AO3.

Thank you to all who read the original and who continue to read and support my work.

All my love,


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