Chapter 7: Bonita

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((A/N: hey guys! This chapter is going to be just a little bit different. Now and again, there's going to be flashbacks with the Fantasies. It may be in the middle of a chapter or be the whole chapter. Every flashback will be in bold italics, like this so you know if it's a flashback or not. And if an animatronic is speaking to...someone significant, their speech looks like this. If there are any problems with this new addition to the chapters, please let me know! Now enjoy the chapter!))

When you arrived backstage and started to gather up all the Fantasies for one final checkup, you noticed that Bonita wasn't around. At all. You only had Hook, Toby and Daisy with you. 

"Hey guys, have you seen Bonita?"

They all nodded no. Odd. They seemed quieter than usual. They usually would've said something by now...

"Do you know where I can find her?"

They all shared a few glances until Toby spoke up. 

"Maybe in the repair room, doll? She's been kind of-"

"Not another word Toby. She's fine, (Y/N). There's nothing to worry about."

Daisy snapped as she glared at the pup. He let out a small whimper as he hunched forward, his tail sagging downwards. You looked at Daisy and gestured to Toby.

"Was that necessary? And I think I'll be that judge of that. Now apologise to Toby."

Daisy muttered out a small apology. You would've told her to speak up but you were on a time-limit. The opening gig started at 7:30 and it was a few minutes after 7. You needed all the time you could get to make sure they were all ready.

"Stay put you three. I'll go find her"

After talking to a passing employee, you found out where the repair room was. The door was deep within the employee's only section of the restaurant in a dark corridor. The hallway smelt almost rotten and the floor had a slight tinge of red to it. Unlike the rest of the pizzeria however, the floor didn't have glitter embedded into it. It was just plain black and white tile. Were you even allowed to be down here? The door was made of metal and had the words 'repair room' painted in red on the front. You tried to open the door but it was locked.
"Bonita? I need you backstage. We don't have time to mess around."

The stage was my home. So was Freddy Fazbear's to some degree. Some called me a child for dressing like my favourite character. Others called me a sweetheart. The rest told me to go back to Spain. I was standing in the arcade when it happened. My friend went off to get more FazCoins for us and I had decided stayed at the claw machine we'd been playing at when a man dressed in orange came up to me. It looked like an employee's uniform so anything I thought weird about him was instantly pushed to the side. He called himself Jack but now he goes by a different name. The name of one who took the place of another.

He had told me I looked pretty in my Bonnie costume and asked if I wanted to come backstage to meet him. He said that he knew Freddy and Bonnie and Chica, Foxy too! I was only 12. How was I to know that he was lying? How was I supposed to know that he would be my end? How was I supposed to know!? How?! He took me not backstage, but to his car out the back of the restaurant. He duck-taped my mouth closed and my hands and legs together, and then threw me in the trunk of his car.

I blacked out shortly after. I woke up in a new body. One that reeked of...I couldn't quite place my finger on it. Bleach, perhaps. It was similar to that of a new car. I noticed was taller than before. I felt almost as tall as Freddy Fazbear himself, if not taller. I tried to look around but my head was stuck in place. From what I could see, the room around me was pretty large. It had just about nothing in it but the wall in front of me was glass and I could see out. There also seemed to be a few stage lights on the roof. There was also a white door in the bottom right-hand corner. Outside the room, past the glass, was the man who took me away. He was talking with a man in purple. 

The purple person handed the orange man a pink folder. There was something in gold on the front. Before I could process anything else, orange ran out of sight and the purple man turned to look at me, a grin of rotting teeth staring right back at me. Suddenly, the stage lights turned on, focusing on me. Every other light source had turned off, making it harder to notice any details. I heard something move and a few small clicks and I was able to look around. 

I slowly looked down at my body. Wait...that wasn't me. I wasn't blue and purple. I didn't wear red. I didn't... I slowly moved my hands up to my head. It hurt to move. Oh my god. No. No no no no no! I had bunny ears. Bonnie the Bunny like ears. I wanted to cry. To scream from the pain and confusion. I felt a cold, oily substance roll down my face. Why was I leaking? Was I... crying? I looked a little closer at my body, noticing that 'my' joints had, at some point, turned red but the colour had been bleached out, only leaving rings of the stains that used to be there. I heard the door open and two sets of footsteps walk inside. I glanced up and two people, who I could only guess were the orange man and the purple man, walked in. 

"She's still recovering I take it? It's only been a few days. Unless you've created another breakthrough, Orange."

An unfamiliar voice spoke and then the two laughed. Laughter? Why are they laughing when I'm in such a different body!  In so much pain! Why was I-

"Not yet sir. On another note though, I'm thinking of names similar to Bonnie. We want people to see the similarity between the two. Scott says that it might be nice to think of her and Bonnie as cousins or even siblings."

The two men laughed again. I had tried to move forward but the man I remembered pulled out his phone and pressed a button. All I could see were sparks. I blacked out for what seemed like forever. My body hurt. It hurt to move and even more to think. Was I going to be like this forever? Would I ever see a stage again? Would-

Aira, let's not leave our friend waiting.

Alright, fine. Let's go.

There was no reply except for the noise of someone shuffling around the room. You were starting to get worried until the door opened to a very scared Bonita, her ears flopped down and covering most of her face.

"Is it time for the show?"

She spoke softly, her accent entirely gone. She sounded almost like a frightened child instead of her usual cheery self. You didn't pay much attention to it at first. You just needed her backstage and fit to perform. That's all that mattered right now.

"Yeah. Are you ok? I can't have you performing if you're not ok."

Bonita quickly shoved you out of the way and made her way out of the room, closing it quickly behind her. Once she got out, she just stood, looking down the hallway, her back facing you. Her hands, back and stomach had what looked to be oil on them. Her expression grew more panicked as she looked at you, her eyelids and mouth twitching slightly.

"I'm fine. Completely fine. Just... how many minutes do we have?"

You blinked in shock. Were you dealing with Bonita or someone else entirely? You hastily pulled out your phone. It was 7:10 am. The other employees must've been welcoming people in and getting people ready for the shows in 20 minutes.


You paused. 

"Are you sure you're ok to perform? If not I'm sure one of the Bonnies can fill in for you."

"No!" She almost screamed out before lowering her voice. "No. No, I'm completely fine, my dear uh..."

She turned to look at you as she spoke, putting her hands on your shoulders and looking down at your nametag,

"(Y/N)! I'm completely fine (Y/N). Don't you worry your pretty/handsome little head off dear! All I need to do is get cleaned up and I'll be ready to perform, ok?"

You hesitantly nodded as you gently pushed her hands off your shoulders. You now had two little patches of black on your shoulders. Great. At least the colour of your vest was dark enough for it not to be a problem.

"Well, go and get cleaned up then come straight backstage. I would help you but I'm not trained in mechanics. I'm sure yours is around here somewhere."

You started to walk back to the backstage area, thoughts racing through your head about how Bonita looked. Was she ok?

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