Chapter 27 - The fuck?

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Before the sun rises, Moblit was sent to get (Y/n). It was Hange's orders. (Y/n) had expected something like this to happen so luckily she had readied herself. She told Mikasa before she left, so she won't make the oriental-looking girl worried.

After hours of riding horses and few breaks, Moblit and (Y/n) arrived at the old Survey Corps HQ. It looked like an abandoned castle before but it looks better now. Even... Dazzling. Like some cleaning fairy spreads its fairy dust to the castle.

"I heard Hange is having a hard time." (Y/n) murmured as she walked following Moblit.

"Yes... Squad Leader Hange was putting her heart for the test subjects. Too bad they were killed." Moblit sighed.

"I am sure you were busy too protecting her from being eaten by those subjects."

"Ah, well-" Moblit became flustered, making (Y/n) chuckled.

"You will really die from protecting her someday." She joked then stopped from her walking. "Oh? That's Eren!"

Eren heard his fellow 104th trainees' voice and quickly turned his head around. He was following Levi's squad.

"(Y/n)!" Eren ran to the girl, happy to see his friend here with him. He even lets out a chuckle.

"Eren. Glad you're okay." Eren's chuckle was infectious and (Y/n) couldn’t help but giggle too.

"Oh~ Is he your boyfriend, (Y/n)?" Petra teased from behind the titan boy, making the girl tucked an unruly lock of hair behind her ear with faint rosy-colored cheeks.

"No, Petra. Shut it."

Eren was lost for a second. He was wondering how Petra knew (Y/n) but then he recalled that (Y/n) has been with them longer.

"That's it for now, I'm sure (Y/n) has to be somewhere else now." Eld Jinn, the second-in-command in Levi's squad notified them. He wasn't wrong, (Y/n) really has to go somewhere else. Moblit is thanking Eld for saying so.

"Right. I guess I'll see you later then, Eren."

Moblit escorted (Y/n) to a room where Levi and Hange have been waiting for her. Somehow (Y/n) can sense their different atmosphere. She waited for her cue before taking a seat. Hange finally ordered her to sit and told Moblit he is dismissed.

"(Y/n)." Hange's voice was low and way too serious. (Y/n) felt a shiver down her spine. She doesn't like this.

"Yes?" (Y/n) kept her calm and composed exterior.

"Erwin wished he could tell this directly to you but he is currently busy with urgent matters. However, we have to tell you this. (Y/n) you are just as important as Eren now. You both are key to unveil the secrets to titans. Erwin sent some of his most trusted personnel to investigate the letters your mother sent to Dr. Grisha Jaeger. We didn't find all the letters. But, we found one which happened to not be delivered by the courier. This is the letter." Hange took something out from her pocket and puts it in front of (Y/n).

"As for the rest, Erwin is assuming they are in Eren's basement too. For now, please take a look." Hange encouraged (Y/n) to read the letter.

"....Is this... Real, Hange?" (Y/n) took the letter but she is unsure of the content nor the writer.

"We can't say for sure, (Y/n)." Hange is being honest.

(Y/n) unfolded the letter, some parts are torn. She carefully scanned her eyes over it. Reading each word written carefully. Once she read the crucial part, she felt her heart beats faster.


To: Dr. Grisha Jaeger.

Doctor, I'm running out of time. They have started a search for me and (Y/n). We are in no condition to be traveling freely, it would be far too harmful. Therefore, I regretfully have to postpone bringing (Y/n) to you for another experiment with Eren.

They are________________________________, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Thank you for your understanding.


"What the fuck is this?" (Y/n) puts the letter down, eyes widened, sweat dripping from her forehead.

"Brat, calm down." Levi who has been silent finally spoke.

"I am calm." (Y/n) averted her gaze. She knew it's a lie. They all knew (Y/n) isn't calm at all.

"Apparently, you might have met Eren way before... You were taken here, (Y/n). Somehow you might get involved in whatever Dr. Grisha Jaeger was doing. In my estimation, it was probably around 842-843 when you were 4 or 5 and before Shiganshina's fall." Hange started writing the years on a piece of paper.

"Your mother was murdered in mid to late 843." Hange wrote.

"...I don't have any titan abilities or anything." (Y/n) touched her injured arm.

"But, look at your recovery. No normal human would have their wounds healed that fast. It's not even a month yet!" Hange slammed her hands on the table.

"Shitty four eyes, you too, calm the fuck down." Levi frowned.

"...Even your bone regeneration is quite fast. Anyway, Erwin is putting you under Levi's squad. He thinks that it's better to keep you two close to each other for now and see whether we will figure something out or not." Hange stopped for a moment before continuing, "Which means... You will be..."

"I understand, I'll become your test subject as well." (Y/n) sighed, finishing Hange's sentence. "It's cool with me, that's what the deal was all about, to begin with."

(Y/n) didn't mean it as sarcasm nor an attack but to Hange and Levi, it sounded as if (Y/n) is.

"No, well, I mean... Yes. You made a deal with Erwin before but-"

"Wait, wait. Don't get it wrong. I don't mean it in anything weird! Really, I'm cool with it." (Y/n) noticed Hange getting the wrong idea. "Sorry if I sounded annoyed or anything. It just that... I'm overwhelmed by all of this."

"I understand... Well then, since you're in shorty's squad now. You will be staying in this old castle too."

"Alright. Oh and, Hange? I'm sorry about your loss. They were valuable test subjects." (Y/n) gave Hange a sad smile and Hange began to teared up.


After minutes of calming Hange, with Levi's help too, (Y/n) finally able to go to where Eren is. Actually, Levi told (Y/n) to get her new uniform first but the first day of becoming a Survey Corps member and already disobeying the captain's order.

"Eren." (Y/n) called then she chuckled. "Shoot, I'm being Mikasa. Anyway, Eren have you heard about me? Be honest." (Y/n) leaned to the wall.

"...Uh, well...Yeah, sorry (Y/n). I should have waited for you to tell me but-"

"Nah, it's fine. They probably told you because it's necessary. Guess we are on the same boat now, Eren. Say, do you remember anything of us meeting each other when we were smaller?" (Y/n) asked again.

"I did remember a little girl's silhouette in one of flashing memories but... I don't know if it's you or... If it's real."

"I know what you mean. Our memories, tricking us."

"....But, I'm glad you are here. It's nice to have your friends around." Eren made his boyish grin at (Y/n).

"Looking forward to working with you, Eren. I'm counting on you."


PROTOTYPE『ᴇᴘɪᴘʜᴀɴʏ 』 - 𝒜𝓉𝓉𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝑜𝓃 𝒯𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓃 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓉 - Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ