Chapter Ten - Kidnapped

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[ 2 days after (Y/n) has fully healed ]

The Scout Regiment HQ is becoming a noisy place for (Y/n) today. How couldn't it be? (Y/n) accidentally called Erwin as a dad when she saw him conversing with his subordinates earlier this morning. That was something unplanned which caused (Y/n) to be unable to wander around the HQ as freely as usual.

It started with her overhearing one of the recruits talking about their family. They mentioned their dad quite often and somehow it gets stuck inside of (Y/n)'s mind and unconsciously the word dad came out of her mouth instead of Erwin or commander. The scene went out like this,

(Y/n) was walking to her next class with Hange. She was going to teach her about titans again. But on her way there, she saw Erwin and she thought to herself why doesn't she go and greet him, just being polite because he has helped her on numerous occasions.

"Morning, Dad!" (Y/n) saluted. But there was no reply until she realized what she just said and how the soldiers' eyes were all on her. What made it worse is the fact of how her facial expression was showing a rather smug one.

"Shit, I mean Erwin!" With her cheeks as red as tomatoes, she immediately corrected herself even though it was too late.

That's totally something (Y/n) wouldn't forget anytime soon. She basically ran away as soon as she noticed her mistake, she had been avoiding Erwin and his subordinates ever since. Little did she knows, Erwin actually didn't mind her calling him dad.

The news spread fast like an epidemic. By noon, every soldier had heard the cute mistake (Y/n) made, including Hange. Hange was laughing out loud at (Y/n) and completely making fun of her the whole class time.

"I told you, it was an accident!" (Y/n) repeated herself over and over to Hange who's still grinning like a fool.

"A very cute accident~" Hange giggled.

"UGhh!" (Y/n) messed her hair up then (gently) slammed her head onto the table. "I'm becoming even stupider by each passing day ever since I came here."

"That's not true at all! You know a lot more about  T I T A N S now!" Hange patted (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"Ugh, shut up for eyes." (Y/n) imitated the short Captain.

"Hey! Don't imitate shorty!"

[ Commander's Room ]

Just like any other day, Erwin is doing his paperwork. Every day, it just keeps on pilling up, slowly becoming a mountain of paper. It's his responsibility to complete everything as the Commander though. The odd thing to Erwin is that he feels a lot more energized. His mood is on the better side today.

"Heard the brat miscalled you." Levi barged into Erwin's room. He just arrived after going to other places to do his duties.

"She accidentally called me dad," Erwin explained, eyes still focused on paperwork.

"How absurd." Levi retorted. "Anyway, as you suspected. Here." Levi puts down an old scroll.

When Erwin opened the scroll, a painting is revealed. It's a painting of a girl who has similar features to (Y/n), just younger, and "Missing" written on the paper.

"Something isn't right here." Erwin knitted his brows together.

"Just be thankful that they didn't see her when she was lost outside before." Levi clicked his tongue.

[ Evening - Before Dinner ]

(Y/n) was planning to skip dinner today. She has skipped lunch as well due to how she couldn't face other soldiers because of her silly embarrassment. Sadly, she has to bid a goodbye to that plan when Levi found out about it and dragged her to have dinner at the hall himself.

All curious eyes were set on (Y/n) when she arrived, she felt totally nervous by their stares but they averted their gaze when Levi lets his 'shut up and look away' aura out.

(Y/n) took her bread and potato stew as fast as she could then rushed to sit close to Levi. She ate her dinner in a quiet manner while avoiding eye contact with others. She just wants to finish her dinner and go back to her bed.

"Brat, miscalling someone is not a fucking big deal."

"...You wouldn't get it." (Y/n) puts her spoon down. "I'm done eating." She stood from her seat to clean her bowl and spoon.

"Brat, go back alone. I have to go to Erwin now." Levi said once (Y/n) had finished everything. He only went to make sure she ate and doesn't get sick like before after all.

(Y/n) only nodded and was ready to go back to her room but on her way, a soldier asked her for a little help. She wasn't sure of what the soldier needs helping on but she followed him still.  At first, she doesn't suspect anything but once she realized she's going somewhere quiet, she started noticing something is wrong.

"Hey, what do you need to do here." (Y/n) raised her guard up, secretly trying to keep a distance between her and the man. She tried to carefully examine the man's face and she finally realized. She never once saw a soldier like him.


(Y/n) knows the best thing to do is to get away from there as soon as possible. She'd fight back if only the man is skinnier and shorter. (Y/n) is only 128 cm tall and she's still considerably light. She'd only be at a disadvantage and stupid to fight a man that size. She turned around to run but it was too late. Someone else appeared and blocked her way while the previous soldier skillfully hit the back of her neck, knocking her out.

"Let's quickly take her away before they found out!"

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