"~Love me, love me say that you love me! Fool me, fool me, oh how you fool me~"

A golden blush flushed up on his checks. He frantically opened his backpack taking out his phone and channeled the call. He didn't even need to cheek who it was to know that it was ink, he set that ring tone himself after all.

"Typically, I expect nightmare to get a call. Not you, Dream." The teacher sighed placing down a text book. The class packed up and left quickly after that, including dream who wanted to get out as soon as possible to avoid judgement form others.

It was study hall time meaning that dream had enough time to get his stuff, and see what the hell Ink was calling for. Dream picked up the phone regretting to break school rules, but if ink was this desperate to call him durning school hours then something terrible must have happened.

"Hey ink, you called me is something up?" Dream spoke into the phone with his honey filled voice. "Uh yeah, can you skip class and meet me at blues house?"

The ungodly requests almost surprised Dream. Almost. He sighed knowing that it wasn't as bad as he thought it was coming to this, usually Dream would deny his request but he knew some of the roomers tHat been going on lately. The least he could do was to help the poor idiot out. "I'm not skipping, but I'll act like I'm sick. This better be good." Dream threatened.

Ink was more then happy that his request was finally filled for once, Dream could hear the surprise in the others voice. "Oh? Okay met you at 12:00?" Dream sighed once again, placing science books in his backpack. "Sure."

With that the call ended and Dream strolled right into class, hunched over gripping his stomach as if he was sick. His acting skills were trash sure but he didn't need to act for this one. While the teacher wasn't looking he stuck his finger to the back of his throat causing him to gag and throw up almost instantly.

Kids around him moved themselves away, one kid gaged from the puke okay the ground. It created quite a scene and before you knew it dream was in the nurses office. His mother got called to come pick him up and that's exactly what had happened.

"What happened!?" His mother burst in worried as ever. Upon seeing Dream in a chair looking sick as ever because of his "act". She cupped his cheek in her hands starting to go on with almost every question in the book. "Are you okay? What happened? How long have you been sick?" Her questions flushed his mind, now regretting making his mother so worried.

"It's okay mommy, I'm jut a bit sick." Yes, he still calls his mom "mommy". He covered his mouth, fake coughing. "Oh honey, let's go home I'll get you some soup you can take a nap and medication for your sickness-" "it's okay mommy, really."

Even with dreams reinsures, she was still worried sick. Soon Dream was dragged out of the school by his mother who wasn't so keen on the thought of being "calm" about a simple "flu".

After all these years she still insists on treating the twins like their babies; always giving them attention, instantly doing things for them that they could do by theirselves and overwhelmed about the simple things. After their mother's last break out nightmare couldn't take it anymore and cut off ties with his mother. He doesn't even bother to say "hi" when he's home or "bye" when he leaves. Hell its been months since the last time he said "I love you" to his own mother.

Soon his mother started to fade with him and their mother son relationship had gone down the drain. She still says "I love you" and "hope you have a good day at school" of course, but she's put less of an effort in giving nightmare as much attention as Dream.

Idiot one, and idiot twoWhere stories live. Discover now