Tapo Lele Is Needed

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Kelly P.O.V

When we jumped into the Wormhole we appeared in a strange place.Pumerlina was now
different.Her hair was now in the head of Nihilego looking a purple color,she also had six arms and legs and her eyes was a demonic purple color.

Pumerlina:Get away!!

Pumerlina threw two pokeballs. Silazzle and Clefable came out.They looked powerful and angry..... really angry.

Lusamine:The Ultra Beast powered them up.

Pumerlina flew off.

Kelly: She's getting away.

Kelly ran but Silazzle and Clefable blocked her way.

Hau: Don't worry I will take care of them you guys go.

Kelly: Thanks.Here have Lycanrock help you.

They ran off.They saw Pumerlina again.

Pumerlina:I said get out!!

She threw two more pokeballs.Milotic and Liligant came out.

Kiara: I'll take care of these.

Kelly: Dragonite can help.

Kiara: Thanks.Now go.

With Wicki And Faba

Faba:The Ultra Wormhole is closing.What can we do?

Wicki:There is another way we can keep it open.

Faba: How?

Wicki:We need to summon Lunala and Solgaleo.

Goosma: You're going to need the flutes.No one knows where they are located.

Wicki: Because they're somewhere not many people go.Their on Treasure Island.

Faba:So we go to Treasure Island, find the flutes and summon Lunala and Solgaleo.

Wicki: Finding the flutes won't be easy only the guardians know where they are.Just one.We need one guardian willing to show us the flutes.

Goosma:Tapo Lele.


Goosma: Tapo Lele.She would do it.

Wicki:Tapo Lele rarely comes near humans.

Goosma: Trust me.Tapo Lele will do it.She'll do it for Kelly.

Back With Kelly (From Where I Left Off)

Kelly P.O.V

They found Pumerlina again.

Pumerlina:Let me be!!

She threw two more and probably her last pokeballs.Absol and Mismagius popped out.

Lusamine: I don't have any Pokemon.

Kelly: Here take Sylveon and Gengar.Tsareena will also assist you.

Lusamine: Thanks I got it from here.

Kelly ran until she reached Pumerlina once again.

Pumerlina:Why won't you leave?!!!

Kelly:Stop this Pumerlina!! Goosma gave up.He wants you home.

Pumerlina: Goosma?

Kelly: Your brother.He's sorry okay.He just wants you back.

Pumerlina reached out but Nihilego pulled her back and took over her body.It hit Kelly back.

Kelly:Come out, Primarina.


With Wicki And Faba

Goosma: Getting Tapo Lele to show us the flutes is easy.Finding her is going to be the hard part.

Wicki:She could be near here since she always follow Kelly.

Faba: I'll go look.

Faba ran off.

After A While

Faba came running with Tapo Lele in his arms.

Wicki:What did you do?

Faba:As soon as I found Tapo Lele she started attacking me so I had to use my Hypno to put her to sleep.

As if on cue Tapo Lele woke up.

Tapo Lele: Tapo?

Tapo Lele flew up and put her hand out ready to attack.

Wicki: Before you attack us.Hear what we have to say.Kelly needs your help.

Tapo Lele lowered her hand.

Faba: Someone was taken into that Ultra Wormhole by an Ultra Beast.Kelly and her friends went inside to save her but the Wormhole is closing and Kelly and the others are still in there.

Wicki:Yeah and the only way to keep it open longer is to summon Lunala and Solgaleo but we need the Sun and Moon flutes and we need you to show us.

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