Ultra Cruise With An Ultra Beast

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Kelly P.O.V

Right now we are on a cruise to Ula Ula Island.Olivia was kind enough to give us ticket on the S.S Cruise as a reward to us for passing her trial.

Hau: You know,they have everything on this ship.Even a training ground and a battlefield.

Kelly: Lemme guess you want to check it out.

Hau:Of Course.I want to practice with Decijueye.

Kiara:Dartix evolved.

Hau: Yeah,he evolved when you were training for your trial and Kelly was at the center.

Kelly: And what a boring center it was.

Kiara: That surely taught you a lesson.

Hau:Why do you always leave in the night though?

Kelly:*sadly*My dad always watched the night sky with me.


Kelly:*sadly*Let's go to the Training Grounds.Come on Primarina.


When Kelly Walked Away

Kiara:Jeez,Hau now you made her sad.

Hau: I didn't know.

Kiara:We better see if she is all right.

AT The Training Grounds

All of Kelly's Pokemon were out and Kelly was laughing at Lycanrock who was trying to get out of Dratini's Wrap attack.

Kiara: What a mood change.

Kelly runs over.

Kiara:We were going to see if you were all right but it seems you got it under control.

Kelly:Mom said,"Even in the most critical moments,you must keep your emotions in check."That way you can think straight before acting out.Now let's go it's Training Time.

Kelly ran off to stop Dratini who was choking Lycanrock.

Hau and Kiara ran up to them.

Hau: You kept Dratini.

Kelly held Dratini while Lycanrock ran off.

Kelly: I couldn't put it back in the forest after all its been through and I asked Dratini if she wanted to come along and she agreed.


Kiara: You befriend Pokemon faster than Hau challenges them.

Hau: Is that supposed to be an insult?

Kiara: Nevermind that.Let's train.

After The Training (Sunset)

Hau: I am going to bed.

Kiara:Me too.Kelly you coming.

Kelly: Yeah.

They went to bed.But Kelly was having trouble sleeping.She had a feeling something was coming.She went out to the front of the cruise.There was a hole in the sky.A red six legged Pokemon came out.

Kelly:An Ultra Beast.

Kelly looked to where it was going.It was heading to Ula Ula Island.Kelly ran inside and came back with the binoculars Hau bought.She looked through and now saw it battling....Team Skull!!She zoomed in closer,a girl with pink hair threw a Pokeball at it.It stayed in.But then she looked at the Pokeball.It was an Ultra Ball but only Anther Foundation has those so how did they get them and what are they going to do with an Ultra Beast.Team Skull walked of.

Kelly:Oh, Alola, I hope your prepared.Cause you're about to go through a lot.

In The Morning After Arriving At Ula Ula Island

Hau: Island Challenge.Here I come!!

Kiara:Oh,Hau.Kelly you coming.

Kelly: You guys go I gotta check something out.Tell me about it when I get back.


Kelly left to go to Anther Foundation.

(This is my book so I may or may not have changed the location of some buildings.I want my book to be different from others,so work with it)

Kelly arrived and knocked on the gates.A lady opened it up.

Wicki:My name is Wicki,how can I help you?

Kelly: I need to speak with Lusamine.

Wicki: Right this way.

Wicki led Kelly to a elevator which took them to the top floor.

Wicki: Lusamine, someone is here to see you.

Lusamine:Oh,hi.How can I help you?

Kelly: I need to speak to you about Ultra Beast.

Lusamine: Ultra Beast are not to be played with.They are dangerous creatures.

Kelly: That's the thing I'm not the one who are messing with them.Team Skull is.

Faba:What do mean Team Skull is messing around with Ultra Beast?

Kelly: I mean that I saw them catch one, Buzzwole,with an Ultra Ball.

Lusamine:How could they have those?

Kelly: That's what I came to ask you.

Faba: Surely they're up to something.

Wicki:The question is.What?

Lusamine:We are going to look into this Team Skull and look for readings of any Ultra Wormholes and you, Kelly,will just act normal but make sure to keep an eye out for them and if you see something,come to us straight away.

Kelly:Yes, Lusamine.

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