"I did" Noah said smirking "now let's go"

"I am not going anywhere with this jerk" I said rolling my eyebrows.

"Nor me!" Lucas said crossing his arms.

" Well I guess you'll have to wait all alone here " Noah said pulling Lucas, the camping stuff and started walking towards the mountain.

My eyes widened. WHY WOULD HE DO THIS!?

I stood there for a while crossed armed hoping that he'll stop and come back but he didn't.

Dang it! I'm not going to stay here all alone I don't know how to defend myself yet.

I quickly ran after him.

"Took you long enough" he chuckled ruffling my hair.

"Well I'm not risking my life" I said rolling my eyes.

"It's not like I was actually going to leave you there"

"Whatever" I mumbled.

Then I heard some scratches behind me I turned around to see two rabbits playing together.

"AWWW!" I squeaked as I ran to them.
"Oh my god! They're so adorable" I said hugging them.

Noah came to me chuckling "you really like animals don't you?"

I aggressively nodded my head.


Lucas just stood there rolling his eyes.

"Can we hurry up!" He said walking away.

I pouted at the bunnies as I followed the boys up the mountains.

I admired everything in here! The plants, the animals and of course the river!

It was so breathtaking!

"Did she never leave the house before?" I heard Lucas mumble to Noah.

"Shut up Lucas" I heard Lucas say rolling his eyes.

As we were walking Lucas tripped on a branch and fell on his face.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, Noah did as well ,but after he controlled his laughter he helped his friend up.

Lucas froze for a moment before shooting me a glare.

"Shut up nerd" he said cleaning the dust off his pants.

"Excuse me I'm not a nerd and like I can do whatever I want" I said rolling my eyes.

He rolled his eyes back before stomping off.

Noah sighed as he pulled me and completed climbing.

"Aren't you going to stop fighting with Lucas" he asked sighing again.

"I will when I feel like it" I said huffing.

"Ok jeez" Noah said chuckling.


It's been like two hours and to be honest I can't feel my legs anymore plus it was starting to get dark making me a bit scared.

"Noah.." I groaned holding on his arms.

He stopped and smiled at me " what's wrong Amby?"

"I'm EXHAUSTED!" I said resting my forehead on his chest.

"Already" he chuckled.

I slowly nodded.

"Well we can spend the night here" he said ruffling my hair.

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