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Tik Tok , Tik Tok , Tik Tok.

The clock was tikking.

While staring out the window at the moon, I couldn't get to sleep.

In some strange way, it's brightness inspired hope in me.

Since it has always been surrounded by darkness, but has also always shone, making everyone fall in love with it.

I was deeply lost in my thoughts , absloutely mad at Aaron and worried from what the boys might think of me. I mean me dating Aaron?! What type of joke is this?! Never in my life would I do something so reckless!

I walked down to the kitchen  since I was obviously unable to sleep. Why is it whenever I fix something in my life everything gets exra fucked up the next day?!

I opened the fridge and grabbed one of the sandwiches we had earlier with us on the mountains. 

I grabbed it and walked towards the backyard. Honestly whenever I feel down I just walk to the swings. 

As I was watched the stars I felt better. They were very ravishing! If you hadn't already guessed I'm a person who finds the sky in general a very soothing place.

"Why are you still up?" I heard Noah's voice ask freaking me out.

"Why are you still awake?" I asked trying to calm my breath down.

"I usually sleep by this time" He said sitting on the swing next to me "I was walking upstairs but heard footsteps so I decided to check them out"

I nodded slowly not daring to say another word. I've been feeling so tense that I feel like killing myself over Aaron's behavior.

"I had to drive Lucas home" he said out of nowhere.

I did not see where this was coming from.

"He was filled with rage I didn't think he would have been able to drive alone , not only all of what happened but we sort of had a fight."

"You two fought?!" I asked in disbeleif.

"Let's just say someone didn't stick up to a certain plan" Noah concluded shaking his head.

"Is it about what he said about Aaron?" I asked kinda catching on what he said.

"Don't overthink that." he said not replying to my question.

He stood up giving me his back "I know I don't have the right to control you , but just know that this man is never good news and I promise I won't stop until I figure out what he wants from you." he started walking away "Goodnight Amby"

I cursed under my breath.

I didn't know that these two were capable of fighting. I feel like digging my fangs in his eyes and pulling them out with no mercy!

and before I could even feel it i was asleep right in this position I am in.


"Here you are" I heard Evangeline's voice say. 

I blinked a few times bothered from the sunlight before looking at her.

"Why did you sleep here my dear?" She asked looking a bit concered "I have been looking for you guys around the house but non of you were found"

"The three of us?" I asked focusing my eyes on her.

"Yeah, you and the boys but they don't seem to be at home" She said giving me a warm smile.

Noah left? Where could he have gone this early?

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