Grimaulds Place

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It had been a week since Tonks had moved into her own house, just a few blocks away from Remus' cottage. It was big and cosy for her, and she loved it. Remus had helped her move her stuff from her parents house and had helped move everything to her liking.

Tonight was the night they would meet the Order of the Phoenix, Mad-Eye had come to her house and told her that her cousin Sirius Black was released from Azkaban as he was proven to be innocent. Though people still avoided him. She was also told that he was also in the order which both her and Remus were exited about.

Remus came up to her house at 5:30 which was an hour earlier than they had organised. When she opened the door she threw herself into his arms in a tight hug. Her hair was short and light pink and she was wearing a Weird Sisters crop top and light denim jeans.

Releasing him from the hug she quickly kissed his lips and pulled him inside. Looking around he saw that the boxes were gone from the last time he was in her house. "Your early" she said looking at the clock, "I wanted to see you, and have a little time with you before we go" he explained smiling at her. Smiling back she kissed him again, but slower this time, he kissed back. Until suddenly they both pulled apart after hearing something smash. "Oh Bugger" Tonks said walking into her kitchen, Remus followed her with his wand in hand.

When they reached the smashed mug Remus saw a small purple ball of fluff just at the side of the mess. "Furball" she whined, "careful" she finished softly picking up the ball in her hands, as she did Remus saw a small face peek out of the fluff. "You have a pigmy puff?" He asked her, she nodded happily, "I got her from diagon alley, she's a right clumsy girl" she explained, smiling curiously he said "Sounds familiar" earning a gentle slap from her, standing next to her she held out her hands, indicating Remus to take Furball.

Looking at the clock he broke the silence again "We should probably set of early, Don't you think?" He asked Looking at her pour the smashed mug into the bin she said "Probably, I think we should get there twenty minutes early, so we have time to talk to people and catch up if we know some." She was referring to Sirius, he knew she was, she missed him like mad when he went to Azkaban.

He walked over to her and placed Furball on the counter, he hugged her tightly, kissing her cheek before placing his chin on the top of her head. They stood like that for a while, Furball was gurgling in the background. "We should probably go" she said. He nodded going to get his shoes and cloak. Tonks picked up Furball again and placed her onto her couch, "Now, behave okay? Be careful not to get hurt. And don't break anything, yeah?" She said to it placing a gentle kiss into its soft fur, "good girl". Getting up she headed to the door mirroring what Remus had done a Few seconds ago.

Taking her hand in his he guided her outside waiting as she locked her door and put the key in her jacket pocket. Together they walked a little towards an alley at the side of a row of houses, going down it they realised no one was here, wrapping his arms around her they dissaperated, landing on a long street in London, it was quiet.

Pulling out the piece of paper from his pocket Remus read the address then showed it to Tonks. They had both decided that it was best for Remus to have the address paper in case Tonks lost it. Walking up the street looking at house numbers they made a stop. "10, 11,13? This can't be right" Tonks said looking at Remus confused.

Then number 11 and 13 started shifting, bricks colliding with each other and stretching our to reveal an old abandoned looking house, Number 12 Grimaulds Place. Looking up amazed Tonks laughed and knocked on the door.

They were met at the door by madeye, he smiled at at Tonks and nodded at Remus, "Your early" he stated, Tonks shrugged "come on in" they followed him through a long scary looking corridor in Tonks' opinion, looking at the pictures on the walls she saw many members of her family, including her mother, she stared at that picture until she felt a hard object block her foot and she fell to the ground Remus kneeled in front of her looking her up and down worriedly "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked lifting her up, "Im fine, Rem" she said giving his hand a quick squeeze, "Come Nymphadora" madeye ordered, her hair turned red "Don't Call Me Nymphadora Madeye! It's Tonks!" She said angrily making him and Remus smile.

Madeye opened the door causing it to bang against the wall, causing a horrid screaming. "FILTHY BLOOD TRAITORS AND HALF BREEDS GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" And it kept shouting and shouting, a flash of messy black hair and ginger hair cane running up to a painting of a woman with curly clack hair and a pale face. "Shut up you old Bitch" the black haired man said pulling the curtains over her portrait causing her to be silenced.

"Sorry about that" he said looking at Tonks, smiling he walked over to her "Nym?" He asked looking at her hair "Sirius?" She said tears in her eyes, "the one and only" he replied opening his arms to her in a hug, running into his arms she jumped on his, wrapping her arms around his next as he easily picked her up and swung her around. "I've missed you" she said when he put her down, "I've missed you too, Nym" he said playing with a stand of her hair. Pushing past them moody grunted "You'll have time for a cosy catch up later, come on!" Losing his patience. Rolling his eyes Sirius followed him into a room, Tonks and Remus following.

"Remus!" Came am exited squeal as a small, plump, ginger haired woman ran towards him wrapping him in a bone crushing hug, Tonks bit her lip to stop herself laughing as Remus' ribs almost crushed, "Hi molly" he said hugging back. Letting him go she turned to face Tonks, "And who might you be dear?" She asked her softly giving her a kind smile "Oh-Uh...Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks." She said smiling back "What a lovely name, I'm Molly Weasley. It's wonderful to meet you." She too pulled Tonks into a bone crushing hug, Tonks stumbled at little at first, surprised but then relaxed into the hug. Remus raised an eyebrow at Tonks and smiled slyly at her, she rolled her eyes as molly loosened the hug.

"Come, sit down both of you. I want to hear all about you" she aimed the last sentence at Tonks. Remus sat next to Tonks and molly sat opposite them at the kitchen table. " you two know each other?" Molly asked looking from Tonks to Remus, " Actually...yeah" Remus said wrapping his arm around Tonks' shoulders, molly let out an exited squeal before saying "Oh, how wonderful. I told you you'd find someone Remus, oh and Tonks dear, Remus is a very kind and loving man, you've got  yourself a good one here" she said winking, causing Tonks to blush.

"Enough chit chat everyone's here so let's get started" came Mad-Eyes voice. Then others began pouring in after him.

(Please tell me your opinion and what you might want to see in the next chapter(s))

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