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Later On that day, at around 7:30 tea had been eaten, and Andromeda and Ted had left Tonks and Remus alone to catch up on lost time, and had gone for a peaceful walk in the night air.

Tonks went back into the living room as Remus made drinks for them both. She was alone with her thoughts. She really had missed Remus, and now that he was back she had come to realise why she had missed him so much, she felt warm and fuzzy inside when she was near him, and especially when they touched. She thought she had a fever when her cheeks turned pink, and her palms all sweaty, and her heart beating fast. But now she had come to realise maybe it's something else. Something she's never felt before.

When Remus came back with two cups of hot chocolate she couldn't help but smile. Carefully he placed them on the table and tonks reached for the muggle TV remote, "Wanna watch TV?" She asked him, earning a simple "Sure" whilst he grinned back at her. She pressed a few buttons on the weird remote and the TV came on. As she flicked through the channels she realised she hadn't asked "What do you wanna watch?", looking at the odd moving pictures curiously Remus replied "Whatever you want. I've never watched a TV before." smiling. "Okay...Oh...I have an idea" she said excitedly.

She put on a movie about a beautiful girl that falls in love with a prince who has been turned into a beast. Her face looked at the moving pictures in awe, Remus couldn't help but smile at her enjoyment.

A scene came on where they were sat in a library and the girl was teaching the beast how to read a romantic book. Tonks shuffled a little closer to Remus, smiling softly, he lifted his arm around the back of Tonks and rested his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him as if asking him if he was sure, and he just smiled and said softly, "It's okay" and she leaned into him, resting her back on his chest and resting her head under his chin. And just like that, they were both the most comfortable they have ever been in their lives.

Tonks' eyes started to close and Remus decided to turn off the TV, he only knew how to do it because he saw Tonks Turn it on. Gently he shook her shoulder whispering her name to try wake her, but it was too late, she had fallen into a deep sleep. Chuckling quietly he decided to levitate her so he could remove himself from underneath her, and he gently placed her back down onto the couch in a sleeping position. He saw a fluffy blanket on the back of a chair and brought it over to Tonks, placing it over her thin figure, he decided to leave her in peace. With one final glance at her, he left the room, slowly closing the door behind him.

Though he was no longer with her, he couldn't stop smiling. She really was fascinating, how she could fall asleep so elegantly, how her hair changed colour ever so slightly, how her eyes change colour...No. He couldn't. She's too young, he's known her since she was just a little girl, she still is. He's too poor and dangerous for her. She deserves better than a werewolf, and besides she doesn't like him that way anyway.

Sighing he sat down at the kitchen table, when andromeda and Ted returned.

Hugo TonksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora