Miserable and kisses

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Today was Tonks' 18th Birthday, she had finished hogwarts and had received practically all Outstanding Her Newts. She could become an auror, like she had been training for.

Remus was back in his cottage but still visited when possible. He missed not hearing her 'sneak' up in the night and reading to her to make her fall asleep in his arms. He missed everything about her.

As soon as he stepped through the door andromeda rushed over to him, grabbing onto his arm, she had tear streaks down her face. "Andy, what's wrong?" He said worriedly thinking of the worst. "It's Dora, she's been crying and won't talk to us, she misses you and said she talked to you, about her thoughts, her life. She's been crying" trying to get her head around what she had just said. "Don't worry, I'll talk to her" he assured her, she smiled and hugged him tightly.

Walking up the stairs he thought about what could be in her mind, why would she talk to him but not her own parents, unless...No, she couldn't, she shouldn't.

Sighing, he knocked on her door. No answer. He tried again "Go Away!" came a muffled voice at the other side of the room. After a while of thought he opened her door to find a thin figure laid on her front, face in a pillow.

"Dora?" He said gently, as soon as she heard his voice her head shot up from her position in the pillow, one glance at him and she jumped up from the bed and jumped into his arms and held onto him as though her life depended on it. "Oh Remus" she cried. Moving his arms to her shoulders he pulled her back slightly so he could look into her eyes only to see tears falling out of them, "Hey hey, what are you crying for? It's okay, I'm here" he soothed wiping away her tears with a gentle thumb.

When he realised her tears weren't stopping he lean her over to her bed, she sat gown on the edge and he kneeled in front of her holding both hands in his larger ones. Looking into his eyes she started to talk "I keep having them, he's in everyone, I know what you said, but I can't help it, he's all I can think about, and her, what if she really has changed him." She sobbed. Remus didn't even have to think about what she was saying before he knew what she was talking about. Hugo and Bellatrix. "Please don't leave me, please stay, please Remus" she pleaded. Lifting a hand he placed it on her smooth cheek, fingers on her neck, thumb under her eye. Smiling sadly. "Alright" he sighed. Her eyes lit up slightly. Her tears stopped falling.

"Come on, you can't be miserable on your birthday can you? Come on" leaning forwards he gently kissed her forehead, pulling away slowly. Looking up at him, he placed a finger under her chin at tickled her slightly to make her smile, a small giggle erupted her lips making them both smile, 'There you are' he thought. "Come on let's go down" he said pulling her up by the hand, not letting go they walked together downstairs.

"Oh and Dora" he said suddenly making her look at him "Happy Birthday" he said and she smiled squeezing his hand slightly.


Tonks had received many great presents, but her favourite was the necklace from Remus, it was a simple chain necklace with a small wolf charm and a moon that changed colour to whatever she feels like. She wore it as soon as she saw it.

Now she was sat downstairs with Remus next to her, arm around her, the muggle tv was on, on a strange story about a haunted house and a family of house marketers. Tonks cuddled as close to him as she could. They were both in there night clothes, Tonks' a slightly cropped hufflepuff shirt and matching hufflepuff shirt shorts, Remus' an old shirt and shorts.

Her parents had gone up to bed an hour ago, leaving the two alone.

Tonks had thought about it for a while, about him, he was her everything, he was amazing. Deciding to take a stand she sat up so she could look at him, he looked at her curiously smiling sweetly, she stared into his chocolate eyes, and he stared into hers, which were currently a deep blue. Her heart skipped a beat when he broke there eye contact to stare at her lips, when he looked back up to her eyes she had a suggestive look in his eyes. Deciding to do it, she leaned forwards and pressed her lips lightly against his. She kissed him. And he kissed back, almost instantly. One hand went to her neck to pull her closer, the other intertwining with her own, her free hand went to his chest.

It felt like forever until they broke apart, the only reason being their lack of oxygen. Staring into each other's eyes, both flushed, smiles broke out on both of their faces laughing slightly, cupping her face in his hands he whispered "Happy birthday, Dora" laughing she replied "I think this is the best gift I've ever received" making him chuckle and pull her into another sweet kiss, but this one more sensual and breathtaking than the first.

That night they fell asleep happy in each other's arms.

( I've been trying to build up to remadora gradually but I couldnt wait any longer, so here you are.

Hugs 🤗)

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