Bogarts and realisation

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The next day was a very dull day. Remus has stayed the night because it had started to heavily thunder and rain. It was still raining and you could often hear a low rumble, but it had calmed down a bit.

When Tonks woke up she thanked Remus for not disturbing her sleep and for a wonderful birthday. She felt as though something wasn't right though, she felt as though something was going to happen.

The day had started off normally. They all hear breakfast, went on a walk Down to the lake at the bottom of the garden (with umbrellas), and then returned home. By that time it was midday. Andromeda casted quick spells on them all and they instantly dried off.

They decided that they would sit in the living room and talk, with the TV on in the background. They talked about how Harry Potter was said to be the chosen one, how You-Know-Who had killed Lilly and James Potter, how Sirius Black had been the one who led You-Know-Who to the potters and killed Peter Petigrew.

Suddenly, a blue ferret cane running into the house through the window. "That's Mad-Eye's patronus" Tonks said at the sight of it. Then the ferrets mouth opened and said in mad eyes voice  "Andromeda, Ted, Nymphadora..." her hair and eyes  turned red at this " is that death eaters are everywhere as you are well aware of, they are searching for you all, make sure your protective charms are strong. It would be best if you all were to stay indoor for a week or two, do not let anyone in or out of your house. I will report to you as much as possible with further requests and information. Oh and Nymph...Tonks, your training has been postponed until further notice. Sorry girl. Stay safe all, and constant vigilance." . Then the ferret faded away.

Everyone stared at where the patronus one was just seconds ago, speechless, until Ted spoke up, "I'm going to go check the protective charms, Remus would you come help me please?" He announced. "Uh...Yes, of course sir" Remus replied still a little speechless. Together both men walked outside.

They began checking the charms and putting stronger ones up when Ted said "Well my boy, looks like you're gonna be staying here for a while" smiling kindly at him. "Yeah it does, sorry to impose" Remus said a little embarrassed, "Not at all. At least Dora will have a little company other than me and Dromeda for a while" Ted said trying to make Remus feel better. They continued to put up more protective charms when a girl screamed inside the house, both men instantly ran in forgetting about the charms, and saw Dromeda downstairs. "Dromeda, what's wrong?" Ted ordered, "I didn't scream, it was Dora, She's upstairs" Andromeda said quickly her voice shaking. Remus dashes upstairs, Ted a little further behind. He ran into her room to see her curled up on the floor crying into her carpet as three scary looking men stood over her. When Remus realised what was going on he grabbed his wand and held it firmly in hand, jumping in front of Tonks he watched as the three men faded away and instead resembled a full moon with clouds revealing the bright orb, "Ridiculus" He said clearly, so that the moon was replaced with a balloon with a hole wizzing around the room until it disappeared.

Without hesitation he ran towards Tonks putting his wand on the floor and soothing "Hey, it's okay...yeah?'s're safe's not gonna hurt was just a boggart..." whilst cradling her. When the tears stopped falling, she hugged back, holding onto him as though her life depended on it. At this point Ted and andromeda were both staring at Remus for an explanation as to why their daughter had screamed and had been crying. Until Tonks said quietly "I don't like bogarts" sounding much like a small child who had just had a nightmare or seen a scary movie.

Ted and Andromeda decided to leave Remus and Dora alone so that she didn't feel uncomfortable with a crowd. When she pulled herself together she let go of Remus and he smiled sadly at her, "You okay?" He asked looking at her pale face worried. "Yeah" she said not meeting his eyes. He put a hand under her chin so that she had to look at him, when he looked into her eyes he saw something he hadn't seen in her eyes for 10 years, fear and defeat. The last time he saw Nymphadora Tonks scared was when three Aurors had come to collect Hugo. 'Wait' he thought 'her bogart was three men in uniform, her worst fear is the people who took her brother away from her'. 'OH!'

He smiled sadly at her "Come 'ere" he said pulling her into a hug, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

'She misses Hugo' he thought. 'How long is he going to be there, surely not much longer, right?'

(Thank you for getting this far into my fanfic, hope you like it. ❤️)

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