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"Here we go" Bellatrix cackled. Her dark mark began to burn.

The wall exploded, covering Hugo and the other prisoners with rubble.

They all cheared and began to jump out into the sea.

"Come on Hugo" Bellatrix said kindly, holding out her hand. He took it. "We're free at last"


Tonks woke with a jolt. Nightmares. Yeah, those horrible bad memories and thoughts that haunt her in the night. Looking over at her clock she realised she'd woken up at 1:30 (pm) slowly getting out of bed she headed downstairs.

Trying her best not to trip she headed into the kitchen, making herself some hot chocolate.

When it was ready she sat down at the kitchen table, drinking hot coco and soothing her nerves.

"Little early isn't it?" came a voice from the shadows. Startled she spun around, wand in hand almost falling over her own feet. The figure emerged from the shadows to reveal Remus lupin with his hands up in surrender. "Oh, it's you" she sighed relieved.
"What are you doing up so early?" He said walking towards her slowly as she sat back down, sitting next to her. "I had Another nightmare" she explained simply.

Remus was used to her having nightmares now, about Hugo, Bellatrix, death eaters, and her job. Usually he would hold her in a tight hug and tell her she's safe, but tonight was a bad one. She had fear and tears in her eyes. "About what?" Was all he could say.

"Bellatrix and Hugo, I had a dream she had turned him bad and he was a death eater, and they wanted to..." she broke off looking at her hands. Remus took one of her small hands in his for comfort, "...they wanted kill me" she finished tears trickling down her smooth pale cheeks. Giving her hand a quick squeeze he reached his other hand up and gently wiped away her tears with his thumb. Her hair had gone back to its natural colour which Remus had only seen a couple of times.

When her tears had stopped falling again she still looked miserable, she was staring at the floor. Remus wiped the last tear away and put his finger under her chin. "That will never happen, okay? He's your brother, he loves you, there's no way he would ever want to hurt you let alone kill you" he said staring into her eyes the whole time, she stared back.
When she looked back down at the floor nodding slowly he kissed her forehead. Making her look up. "Promise?" she whispered, looking into his chocolate brown eyes hopefully, "promise" he confirmed pulling her into a hug.

"Come on, let's try go back to sleep" he tried, releasing her from the hug. "But I'm not tired" she said looking at him with puppy dog eyes. "Fine, what do you wanna do to make you tired?" He tried again, she smiled thoughtfully "how about you read me a story, like you did when i was a child" she said happily. "Good idea" he said remembering when she used to cuddle up in his lap and fall asleep as he read to her. Smiling wider she got up and made her way into the study, Remus knew there was a cosy sofa in there so he followed.

When Remus walked into the study he saw her stood looking carefully at the many books trying to select the perfect one. He sat on the sofa waiting for her to choose a book. When she had found it she walked over to him, smiling. She passed him the well read book allowing him to read the cover, 'Beauty and the Beast'. Smiling remembering it being her favourite book and the one she asked him to read so many times to her as a child. Smiling she plonked herself down next to Remus, cuddling up to his side, wrapping an arm around her and holding the side of the book with his hand he started to read.

He read to her for a good half hour before she had fallen asleep in his arms. Shutting the book he put it to one side. Sliding one arm under her knees and the other behind her back he lifted her up bridal style and carried her to her room, when he set her down he realised how beautiful she is even asleep, slowly leaning down he kissed her cheek, whispering "I love you Dora, sleep well." And with that he left her room closing the door behind him.

Hugo TonksWhere stories live. Discover now