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One Day Later

Other Hiro:(Hiro...Hiro...wake up Hiro.)

Other Hiro:(Hiro Wake Up!!!)

Other Hiro:(Hiro Wake Up!!!)

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Hiro: "Aaah!"

Sonia: "Hiro, are you okay?"

Hiro: "Yeah... I'm fine."

Sonia: "So, why did you wake up screaming? And why are you sweating?"

Hiro: "I just had a bad dream, that's all."

Sonia: "If you say so. Anyway, breakfast is ready, so you better come downstairs."

Hiro: "Yeah, I'll be there in a sec."

Sonia leaves the room, and Hiro lies back on his bed, deep in thought.

Hiro: "Was that really just a dream?"

He contemplates the vivid images and emotions that lingered from his nightmare. The sense of urgency and foreboding weighed heavily on his mind.


As Hiro walks into the classroom, Class 1-A gathers around him, except for Todoroki, who stands at the back, quietly sipping his iced coffee, and Bakugo, who watches them with an annoyed expression.

Kaminari: "Yo, Hiro! Good morning."

Yaoyorozu: "Good morning, Hiro."

Hiro: (What's going on?)

Confusion fills Hiro's mind as he stands there, trying to make sense of the situation. Kirishima, noticing his perplexed state, wraps his arm around Hiro's shoulder.

Kirishima: "Sorry about yesterday, Hiro. We were all just shocked, you know?"

Everyone in the group nods in agreement.

Kirishima: "So, let's all be friends from now on."

Hiro: "Okay," he responds, his tone tinged with confusion.

Ashido: "Yay! Now that we're all friends, don't hesitate to ask for help, okay?"

Hiro: "Sure."

With that, the crowd begins to disperse, and everyone returns to their desks, resuming their daily activities. Hiro is left standing, still slightly bewildered by the sudden turn of events. He takes a moment to process everything before making his way to his own seat, ready to join his newfound friends in the day's lessons.

25 minutes later

As the rest of the class continues working, Hiro remains in the back, lost in his thoughts about the events that transpired earlier that morning.

Hiro: (I still can't believe they all wanted to be friends. They were so nice. I wonder what made them want to be friends? Who cares, as long as we're friends, that's all that matters.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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