A New Life

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One day later

Outside the UA meeting room

Naomasa: "Hello, All Might."

All Might: "Naomasa, good to see you. How have you been?"

Naomasa: "I've been well, thanks for asking."

All Might: "And what about the boy?"

Naomasa: "That's exactly why I wanted to talk to you. The doctors have finished their evaluation."

All Might: "Is he alright? I was worried about his condition."

Naomasa: "Physically, he's fine. But mentally, it's a different story."

All Might: "Please don't tell me I caused him amnesia."

Naomasa: "No, it's not that."

All Might: "Thank goodness."

Naomasa: "He has been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder."

All Might: "That explains a lot about his behavior, memory loss, and even the change in his eye color."

Naomasa: "Eye color? What do you mean?"

All Might: "Yes, his eyes were red when I fought him, but they turned blue when we spoke yesterday."

Naomasa: "That's peculiar. It might be connected to his quirk."

All Might: "So, where is the boy now?"

Naomasa: "He's still confined in his jail cell, but we've provided a television to give him some entertainment."

All Might: "What happens next?"

Naomasa: "He will be transported to Tartarus first thing tomorrow."

All Might: "But you mentioned his split personality. It's not entirely his fault."

Naomasa: "Even so, he poses a significant threat. It's too dangerous to set him free."

All Might: "Naomasa, please reconsider. He's just a child. He won't survive in Tartarus."

Naomasa: "I'm sorry, All Might, but there's little I can do. If you wish, you can visit him one last time after the meeting."

All Might: "Yes, I will do that."

Naomasa: "Alright, shall we proceed inside the meeting room?"

All Might: "After you." Both enter the meeting room, their thoughts heavy with concern and uncertainty.

Hiro's prison cell

TV: "Breaking news! An update on the harrowing incident that took place at U.A. High School's hero course. The school and its students came under a vicious attack orchestrated by an organization known as the League of Villains. Disturbingly, their primary objective was to eliminate the revered Symbol of Peace, All Might. In a remarkable display of courage and teamwork, the students managed to apprehend seventy-two criminals, but their enigmatic leader remains at large, with authorities continuing the search to bring him to justice."

Hiro: "I can't fathom the extent of the harm I caused. How could I have been a part of something so terrible? I can only hope that someday they can find it in their hearts to forgive me."

Hiro's gaze shifts towards the entrance of his prison cell, a flicker of anticipation in his eyes.

Hiro: "I wonder if he will come to visit me."

The anticipation lingers in the air, blending with the weight of remorse and a yearning for redemption.

Meeting room

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