6.7K 376 77

Word Count- 1456

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Love you all.


"Why did u even leave the case in the first place?" Chan asked to his friend who was sitting in front of him in his Company's office.
"I am sorry. I really wanted to investigate this one but my team needed my help somewhere else." Minho answered sincerely. The man had sincerely wanted to help his friends out of this case but he was held back because of some orders from the authorities.

"You don't need to apologise at all; it is your job. It is just that the other detective wasn't very sensitive towards our situation." Chan replied while looking at the couch in his office where the said boy was sleeping comfortably while being wrapped up in a blanket. He sighed as he thought about that good for nothing detective.

"I don't understand, why would you bring him to the company? It is all noisy here, he wouldn't be comfortable." Jisung piped in as he handed Chan his coffee. Iced coffee without milk and cream, just what Chan would prefer on a rainy morning.

"I didn't want to leave him alone. I can't have him taken away from me again." Chan talked straight, his eyes never leaving Hyunjin's body while he was speaking.
"You could leave him at his parents' house." Jisung mumbled before making his way to sit next to his fiancé.
"They are out of town right now. Besides, it is not at all noisy in my office and he already made it very clear that he is not going to leave the office without me even when I tell him to." Chan shrugged his shoulders.

It was more of like a deal between him and Hyunjin. The younger had refused to let stay and work from home saying that he was needed at the company as well and that his husband should not affect his career and work. However, Chan wanted to stay with the boy and take care of him, like the good husband he is. Hence, they finally agreed to make a deal. According to that deal Hyunjin would stay in front of his eyes while he works and Chan would have to ignore his existence in the premises.

"To be honest, you will have to be even more careful here. I have heard the staff talking about 'your good-looking husband' since I stepped in the building." Jisung said emphasising on some particular words.
"You're right. But they know better than to mess with him." Chan said and took a sip from his cup.

"That's what Minho said when I joined your company. Everybody knew who I was and who Minho was and yet they had the audacity to hit one me. Don't you remember that time when a new intern disappeared because he got punched in front of everyone and felt humiliated?" Jisung said and chuckled while remembering the funny day.
"So you were that guy who punched Kino?" Chan asked with an amusing smile on his face. The later just nodded and stick his tongue out.

"Thank you, baby." Minho smiled as Jisung handed him his cup of coffee before pulling down the younger by his jaw to give him a short kiss which lead him to chuckle.
"No PDA please! My ears are still suffering from yesterday's call." Chan whined out, covering his eyes with his right hand.

"In our defence, we did cut your call like 5 times and that was enough signal for you to figure out that we were busy. I thought CEOs were supposed to be smart." Minho said wrapping his arm around Jisung's waist who was hiding his red face in his shoulder from embarrassment.
"How the hell am I supposed to know that my secretary is having sex with his fiancé during work hours?" Chan said, scoffing at the end.

"I completed early yesterday." Jisung said and pouted while slumping his shoulders down.
"And how would I know that? I saw the online register. You didn't check out of work." Chan replied.
"why don't we just forget it? You also know that you ain't getting a better secretary than me. I am allowed to make some mistakes. Let's just move on." Jisung said nodding his head with every word.

"I would love to disagree with you but that is true." Chan said before sighing and shaking his head.
"Hyung, I gotta go in fifteen minutes. So, it will be better if we could settle some of our plans right here." Minho said referring to the main problem because of which they were actually gathered together.

"Yeah, right. Minho, I am really honest and serious when I say that Hyunjin isn't ready to talk about it. Can we file a case without his statement?" Chan asked, looking at the detective with hopeful eyes.
"Obviously, we can. Seungmin, a junior detective, went to the auction himself and saw stuff. He is enough proof for our case. Also, he made Felix comfortable enough to spill out everything that happened to him during that time. That boy is magic." Minho said making Chan sigh in relief.

"In that case, let's start with the investigation already and leave it on me to make sure that none of the Sakura Group's contacts interrupt this investigation." Chan said confidently, he knew he had the power in this fight.
"I will but at some point, I am gonna need Hyunjin to give his statement. Please, be ready for that." Minho informed him before smiling sadly at the end. The older just nodded his head.

"Also, there is one more thing." Minho bit his lips while pushing his chair closer to the table.
"Sakura Group never kidnaps someone unless they know that the candidate isn't risky one. They do a background check thoroughly. Like in case of Felix, the boy is an orphan, so, no one to look after him. In case of Changbin, there is big debt involved. Hence, there is no reason for them to go after such a known personality like Hyunjin unless-" Minho stopped for a breath.

"Unless what?" Chan questioned, his brows furrowing in confusion.
"Unless there is a lot of profit involved in the deal." Minho completed his sentence and took a sip from his coffee.
"Yes, there was. Seungmin told us that they got the maximum amount for Hyunjin. They didn't even touch or bruise him, so that they could make the highest money." Chan ranted out.

"Yeah, but that is not my point." Minho said, shaking his head.
"What do you mean? I don't understand."
"I mean that there's a third party involved." Minho said, making an eye contact with the elder.
"Third party?" Chan asked, his face scrunching up even more in confusion.
"Yes. Someone who motivated Sakura Group to go after Hyunjin. So, it is a double way profit for them." Minho said.

"I understand. What are we gonna do now?" Chan asked, resting his back on his big leather chair.
"Jisung told me about Minhyuk, I know exactly what to do." Minho told Chan who sat up straight once again after hearing the name.
"You think he is involved?"
"I am not sure. I will have to investigate more to be right at it." Minho spoke out. Chan let out a sigh before his hands made their way to his head. It was all eating him out. Why did he have to get into this kind of mess?

"I have everything planned out. Don't worry. Just one last thing." Minho mumbled before he kept his cup down.
"I will try to keep this investigation a secret. But in case it comes out in public that I am handling this case." Minho stopped and reached out for Jisung's hand on the table. "In case my cover blows up, Sakura Group will try everything to bring me down. Hence, I want you to take care of Jisung and Seungmin and keep them safe." Minho said, his voice turning deeper with every word.

"Minho Hyung, No-" Jisung started to speak but he was interrupted by Chan.
"Minho." Chan stood up from his chair and rested his hands on the table. The said boy looked up at him with his sharp eyes waiting to see him speak his promise.

"You are like my younger brother. I am not only going to protect Jisung and Seungmin, but you as well. Please, don't worry about anything now. Just work on the case with your heart, leave everything else up to me. You know I have the power. I am not going to let anyone or anything hurt you guys. That's my promise. Okay?" Chan said looking more profound than ever.
"Okay." Minho replied while nodding his head and smiling at the older.


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