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Word Count- 1900


"We apologize for  the inconvenience you have been having." Im Jaebum, the head of the hotel security explained as calmly as he could to the four males standing in front of him in his office. Mr. Bang looked at him suspiciously from the couch that he was sitting on.
"You should've been careful. I don't care if it was one of your drunk staff or not. This shouldn't have happened." Mr. Hwang said with a little anger evident in his voice.

"We are sincerely sorry for both the incidents Mr. Bang Hyunjin had." Jaebum said.
"Both?" Mr. Hwang quickly caught up on his word.
"I remember the first one was with Mr. Kim, I gave you a call regarding that. Mr. Bang Chan even came down and I showed them the clip. The second one is what happened yesterday." Jaebum explained like it was most obvious thing, not knowing that nobody knew about Minhyuk except Hyunjin and Chan who were now very uncomfortable while sitting next to Mr. Bang.

Hyunjin gripped Chan's arm, scared of what was going to happen. They haven't told anything about Minhyuk to their parents. Chan looked at Hyunjin and saw that he was staring back at him with fearful eyes. He kept his hand on his and gave a little squeeze to it, not wanting to show that he was feeling as helpless as the younger in the situation.

Mr. Bang stood up from his position and looked at the security head with confused eyes.
"What are you talking about?" He said, furrowing his brows.
"We had a concerning tape of Mr. Bang Hyunjin. So, I contacted Mr. Hwang regarding. I don't remember much but Mr. Bang Chan answered the call and said he will look after it. He said he had your consent." Jaebum explained looking at Mr. Hwang in the end. Both the elders in the room looked at their sons.

Hyunjin's grip tightened under their gaze and he kept looking down, not meeting eyes with their fathers, whereas Chan had somehow found the courage to look at them in their eyes.
"What is he talking about, Chan?" Mr. Bang while Hyunjin hid his face in Chan's shoulder.
"We can explain." Chan said, not breaking his eye contact.
"Then please, began." His father in law muttered.
"Not here." Chan said, looking at Jaebum angrily. It wasn't Jaebum's fault and he knew that but he couldn't help but blame him for what is happening.

"Jaebum-shii, we'll contact you soon." Chan's father said to the head of the security before looking back at his son.
"Let's go in my room. We'll talk there." Mr. Hwang said while walking out of the room, not even glancing at anyone in the process. This definitely wasn't the best way he wanted to start the very first day after his son's wedding. He trusted Chan with his son, but the very next day he was informed that his son-in-law has lied to him.

Mr. Bang followed his steps while shaking his head. Chan sighed and looked at Hyunjin who kept staring down.
"It'll be okay." Chan assured him and kissed him on his head before standing up from the couch with him.
"C'mon." Chan whispered as he helped Hyunjin who was still gripping his arm tightly and his legs were shaking like hell.

"It's okay. I am here with you." Chan said leading them out of the room to the elevator. Hyunjin was taking slow steps and refused to look at anything but the ground.

Soon, they caught up with their fathers who were waiting for the lift.
"I'll call your mothers as well, they should know about this too." Mr. Bang said and Hyunjin's father nodded in agreement. Chan felt Hunjin getting even more tense, so he slowly started to rub his back with the other hand, trying to calm him down. They weren't wrong and Chan knew that. Hence, he kept his head held high up.


Chan looked at the four elders staring at him and his husband with deadly eyes. His eyes were concentrated on their movements like how Mr. Hwang was gripping the glass he was drinking water from while leaning his back against a wall or how his mother was trying to hold her worry back while watching how scared Hyunjin was.

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